
Apr 18, 2008 10:01

Kitty loves Fridays. She also hates them. When the show starts...oh, man. That's the top of the world. That's perfection and beauty and grit and she feels like God. Waiting for the show to start is as bad as waiting for the full moon to rise.

That's why her coffee is decaf, and her (rare) steak has as many fork-holes as bites from it.

dib membrane, antillar maximus

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bigheadedchild April 18 2008, 23:58:20 UTC
"Hi. I've never seen you before."

It may seem a little abrupt, but she's the first person he spots after being flung through the door by his sister, and it's been a while.


kitty_the_wolf April 19 2008, 00:04:05 UTC
"That's probably because this is my fourth time." Kitty says as she looks down at the kid with the really big head, "I'm Kitty Norville. You?"


bigheadedchild April 19 2008, 00:10:56 UTC
"Dib. You haven't seen any short green aliens with buggy eyes and polka-dotted backpacks have you?"

He looks around as he asks, eyes scanning the room suspiciously.


kitty_the_wolf April 19 2008, 00:12:01 UTC
"No, but I certainly will keep my eyes open!" Kitty says with amusement.


bigheadedchild April 19 2008, 00:17:49 UTC
"All right," Dib agrees. Satisfied after a moment with his scan of the vicinity (neither Zim nor Tak but especially Zim can be seen), he finally stops to give her a once-over.

"So where and when are you from?"


kitty_the_wolf April 19 2008, 00:19:18 UTC
"North America." Kitty says with a shrug, "I'm nomadic. You?"

She's half expecting an answer like Mars.

It's the head.

And the little green man thing.


bigheadedchild April 19 2008, 00:25:56 UTC
"Same here," Dib says. "Well, not the nomadic part. North America. On Earth," he adds, for good measure.


kitty_the_wolf April 19 2008, 00:29:48 UTC
"Dib, it's pretty logical to assume Earth. What with Amerigo Vespucci being something of an Earthly name." Kitty points out cheerfully. "I'd be worried if someone your age were nomadic."


bigheadedchild April 19 2008, 00:34:55 UTC
"Well, when man colonises space, someone might be stupid enough to name another continent - or even a planet - North America. There are a lot of space-faring humans here. Even more than there are aliens, and there are a lot of aliens."


kitty_the_wolf April 19 2008, 00:36:29 UTC
"I haven't met any yet." Kitty says, still amused, "Handful of interesting people, a were-cat of some kind, and another werewolf, but no aliens."


bigheadedchild April 19 2008, 00:41:54 UTC
Dib blinks.

"Another-- You're a werewolf?!"


kitty_the_wolf April 19 2008, 00:43:43 UTC
"Yep." Kitty says.

She's a blond werewolf, with a nice smile, in blue jeans and a white sweater. About as intimidating as, uh. Dib.


bigheadedchild April 19 2008, 00:45:40 UTC
Dib can be VERY INTIMIDATING. Really. He's an evil little child.

"Like, for real?"


kitty_the_wolf April 19 2008, 00:47:23 UTC
"Why would I lie?" Kitty asks reasonably.


bigheadedchild April 19 2008, 00:51:32 UTC
"...Huh. Good point. Okay, so... you're a werewolf. Ever heard of Super Toast?"


kitty_the_wolf April 19 2008, 00:56:31 UTC
"No, can't say that I have." Kitty says, "But it's already obvious we're not from the same world...I'm my world's only outed celebrity werewolf."


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