Generally, things move in a sequential order through time. This includes door appearances to Milliways. But every once in a while, this poor elf appears when he really ought to be somewhere else, and definitely somewhen else entirely, and he can't even have a prior history here to fall back on
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1) His Darkness has decided that this whole 'war' concept isn't working for him, and has now told his soldiers to baffle his opponents into compliance. It is, he muses, a thoroughly unexpected plan, which means it might actually work.
2) He is hallucinating, which is entirely possible after the day he has had, and he should walk back outside his tent and start calling for a medic, because clearly he is no longer fit to take care of himself.
Both are highly probable explanations, given the situation. He is going to ponder this for a while before making his next move.
He wonders, consideringly, if it is a mutant orc. Something bred for dark places where it doesn't need to worry about the sun burning it.
"Sit," she commanded in her womanly voice that did not fit her at all, "I am Rem, a Shinigami. Do I need to go get one of the Doctors?"
Rem considered the man.
"I can tell you are not human," she said, "I cannot see your name, nor can I see your lifespan.But, weather human or not, you look like you have been dragged through Hell and back."
The going theory amuses him anyway.
He has to admit, the tavern is much more inviting than his camp tent. Of course, most of the known world is more inviting than his camp tent, but that is another matter entirely.
"If you have never been to Milliways before, this is the bar at the End of the Universe," she said, "And this happens to be my afterlife, I am dead, but many here are not. Is your door visible?"
Humans, or human like creatures, are all prejudice against those who are a little creepy looking.
Where was Alucard, or Boo when she needed them?
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