What a day this has been, what a rare mood I'm in...

Mar 31, 2008 16:50

Last night, Enzo returned to his dorm at the end of an amazing spare cycle; Hugh took one look at his expression and said that if Enzo were older, he'd know exactly how he'd spent his day ( Read more... )

welman "nibbles" matrix, mouse, hellboy, andraia, enzo matrix, guardian bob, bonzo madrid

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nullofscience April 1 2008, 03:36:45 UTC

The cry of professors and scientists abound!


That marvel among marvels in the universe!

SCI- Huh?

After the bar had been de-steampunk-ified, Welman had actually put away the exo-suit for now, remembering - of course - that it was still a semi-surprise AND he wanted it kept under observation to be sure that a rogue loop data-stream didn't somehow cause a relapse into the potbelly mech-suit again. This had once again allowed the null to explore the nuances of the bar in his 'birthday suit'. Now, he had come upon Enzo, who was...hmmm.

He had an untouched energy shake. Untouched, we say. And he was smiling. Therefore, Welman slid on by and said...

"Okay, I know all the signs, but they're in the wrong order. What's going on, Enzo?"

The smile seemed like a good thing, but the lack of apparent appetite? That was a bit off. This required an examination of parental proportions.



a1enzo April 1 2008, 03:50:56 UTC
"Dad!" Enzo swings around to face the null, grinning like a maniac. "Guess what happened yesterday you're not gonna believe it!"


nullofscience April 1 2008, 04:11:54 UTC
Oh, you'd be surprised. Welman observed with one of his better null-senses, and found that grin of his to be...different. Smellish-tasted differently, you could say. Nulls viewed things in a rather unique fashion from sprites. This was to be expected.

"Well, I do notice that something new is added, and this doesn't sound like normal hijinx. What happened?"

Prepare for detonation in 3...2...1...


a1enzo April 1 2008, 04:14:31 UTC
"Dani said she'll be my girlfriend!"

Feel free to asplode; Enzo is doing so internally.


nullofscience April 1 2008, 04:36:10 UTC
"Oh, I see. That explains ev- WHAT?!"

Imagine a null looking off to the side, as if reassured, and giving off a nod...right before shaking its 'head' and seemingly glaring right at the kid. Yes, you shocked the dad. Dunno if there's a prize, but he's STILL flabbergasted, so that's gotta count for something.

"Pause, backslash, and reload that statement. Give it to me slow and easy...and then explain in more detail, just to be sure I heard that right."


a1enzo April 1 2008, 04:51:29 UTC
Enzo grins. He doesn't mind; he was surprised, too.

"She said she wants to be my girlfriend! We were talking about... stuff... and she asked me if I wanted her to be, an' I said yes, an' she said yes..."

He makes it sound like it happened a lot more easily than it did.


nullofscience April 1 2008, 05:15:34 UTC
Okay... Just making sure. He had a feeling that this would happen. No need to panic. Well...maybe just a little, along the lines of Dang-they-grow-up-so-FAST!

"What? Just as easy as that?"

Enzo DID have a history folder of leaving out certain details for things.


a1enzo April 1 2008, 05:31:08 UTC
Hey, this one hasn't grown up nearly as fast as he should. (He ought to be 11, remember?) Maybe he's making up for lost time.

He fidgets a little. "...once we said it, yeah." That much is true; besides all the wonderfulness, it was a huge relief to get everything out in the open. "I mean... I was scared she'd think I was too young... but she said that's okay 'cause she's not really as old as she is." (Talk about your illogical statements, but you know what he means.) He laughs. "We're both too young for each other."


nullofscience April 1 2008, 06:02:57 UTC
The null takes this in for a moment, then says...

"Funny, and all this time, I heard that two wrongs don't make a right. Shows what they know."

The true answer is that FOUR wrongs squared may lead to a right, assuming you use the proper formula.


a1enzo April 1 2008, 06:15:49 UTC
Enzo laughs more at this.

"But she was scared I woulda met someone else at the Academy, and, I dunno, I guess maybe I might've if I hadn't already met her." That old 'there are no other girls' line might be dreadfully trite, but it's about as close as you're going to get to Enzo's feelings on this matter.

"Oh, guess what? We made a Scientific Discovery!" Dad oughta like that one.


nullofscience April 1 2008, 18:35:28 UTC
The null just sort of nodded at this, having a pseudopod extended to a spot underneath the 'head' just like a person putting their hand to their chin in deep thought. This immediately halted as soon as the words 'Scientific Discovery' were spoken. Them's the magic words, boyo!

"Really? What did you discover? I'm all ears...well, you know."

We know you'd be all ears if you figured out the morphic process for it, Welman, you nutty professor, you.


a1enzo April 2 2008, 00:28:21 UTC
Enzo tries to sound all serious and knowledgeable, but it's tinged with an odd combination of excitement, embarrassment, and self-satisfaction.

"If sprite spit touches User spit, it zaps the same as if we eat each other's food."

Go on, guess what experiment determined that.


nullofscience April 2 2008, 05:24:59 UTC
He's a scientist! And a father! He doesn't need to guess! Still, he decides to remain in an objective stance over the issue, realizing that he's tap-dancing the thin command line between discovery and innuendo.

"That seems to be the common theme of what happens when two worlds meet on such a fundamental level."

TRANSLATION: There's more than ONE WAY to make sparks fly, but this one's more fun!

"Dedicated alot of research to this, did you?"


a1enzo April 2 2008, 05:52:00 UTC
"Mm-hmmmmm," he sighs, going a bit dreamy again. "It was..." What's that word Dad uses? "...rigorous."


nullofscience April 2 2008, 06:05:29 UTC
"I'll bet it was."

He sort of muttered that, then loudly ahem'd as if to cover it up...which was the point.

"And...your conclusion?"

Possibly something other than 'Alphanumeric!'?


a1enzo April 2 2008, 06:20:00 UTC
Enzo again tries to put on a studious air. "Regular human spit causes a short, but ghosts are mostly energy, so ghost spit doesn't short, or only a little tiny bit."

In other words, they've got a Safe Mode.


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