What a day this has been, what a rare mood I'm in...

Mar 31, 2008 16:50

Last night, Enzo returned to his dorm at the end of an amazing spare cycle; Hugh took one look at his expression and said that if Enzo were older, he'd know exactly how he'd spent his day ( Read more... )

welman "nibbles" matrix, mouse, hellboy, andraia, enzo matrix, guardian bob, bonzo madrid

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notascreensaver March 31 2008, 23:48:21 UTC
Enzo's expression is one AndrAIa recognizes all too well from the past. So when she spots him grinning like a loon out by the bar she sidles silently up alongside Enzo with a smug smile.

"So how was the first kiss?"


a1enzo March 31 2008, 23:51:31 UTC
Errrr?! "What do you... I mean... how...?"


notascreensaver March 31 2008, 23:54:55 UTC
The smile widens even more, the young sprite's spluttering is all she needs as confirmation.

"You look exactly like Matrix did after he kissed me for the first time, it's not hard to figure out."


a1enzo April 1 2008, 00:01:18 UTC
The biggest Enzo has ever seen his counterpart smile was when he was infected by Daemon, and that was seriously creepy, so he's he's just going to avoid visualizing, thanks.

Enzo blushes and smiles again. "It was amazing! Until our spit zapped us."


notascreensaver April 1 2008, 00:08:10 UTC
She blinks.

"Your...spit zapped you? Like us trying to eat user food?"


a1enzo April 1 2008, 00:13:15 UTC
"Uh-huh! That was a major bummer. But it's okay 'cause if she goes ghost she's mostly energy so there's maybe just a little tingle." Thus far, at least.


notascreensaver April 1 2008, 00:20:28 UTC
The mun would like to point out that Enzo was eating User face rather than eating User food.

"Hey, whatever works, right? I'm glad you're happy."


a1enzo April 1 2008, 00:28:12 UTC
The mun would like to roll her eyes in an exaggerated fashion.

"Yeahhhhhh..." He leans his cheek on his hand, distorting his smile at one side, and lets his the fingers of his other hand wander over the bartop.

He glances back up at AndrAIa. "You met Matrix when you were my age, right? When'd you decide you were, y'know, a couple?"


notascreensaver April 1 2008, 02:04:34 UTC
AndrAIa's silent for a few moments. Then, slowly, a smile similar to Enzo's creeps across his face.

"We had been in the Games for a while when it happened, I was just 11, and he was closer to 11.01. It was a pretty tough war Game we just played, and we were both us were battered, tired and feeling particularly homesick that cycle. He had his arm around my shoulders, then, he just kissed me. I think, in a way we were already a couple, we just never really acknowledged it until then."


a1enzo April 1 2008, 02:10:10 UTC
"Wow." He grins. "I'm early."


notascreensaver April 1 2008, 02:16:09 UTC
She laughs and gives him a gentle shove.

"Well, the whole fending for our lives thing didn't give us much time to ponder the possibility of a relationship. Who knows what would have happened if the whole "Web War Fiasco" hadn't happened."


a1enzo April 1 2008, 02:32:36 UTC
"Oh. Yeah. Sorry."

He considers. "But then I wouldn't have been copied, and I wouldn't've met Dani. But I'd still be Matrix, and he'd still have you..." AndrAIa's wonderful, and Matrix really really loves her. But he wouldn't have met Dani...

This is making his head hurt.


notascreensaver April 1 2008, 02:46:23 UTC
It does take the head for a spin, donnit?

AndrAIa's mulled this over many times in her head before, she's used the the logic-headaches.

"We wouldn't have you either," she says rather affectionately, squeezing the younger sprite's shoulder.


a1enzo April 1 2008, 03:10:42 UTC
He smiles up at her. "Thanks. Yeah, and Dani wouldn't have met me."

He's allowed a little ego, right? His self-esteem tends to yo-yo, as we all know, but Dani's got it at its peak right now.


notascreensaver April 1 2008, 03:17:31 UTC
"Very true, and if she hadn't met you, she might still be having those problems with her powers."


a1enzo April 1 2008, 03:29:56 UTC
Enzo's eyes widen. "Yeah! Wow, it's a good thing... I mean, I'm not glad you were stuck in the Games and all, but..."

Wow, there's no way for that to come out right, is there?


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