Happy Hour!

Mar 16, 2008 17:25

The Doctor drops by the bar for some tea when the familiar (to some) napkin appears alongside with a reasonable and polite request. And as he's got nowhere else especially to be and could still use some assistance with his tab, he just grins and agrees enthusiastically before slipping behind the bar.

It's the work of a few minutes to familiarize himself with the way things are set up, and then he turns his attention to the specials board.

Gallifreyan Ale
Banana Daiquiri
Sonic Screwdriver

"All right, then," he says when everything's set. "Let the party begin!"

[ooc: 10:15pm EST - teh brainmeets, they r ded. slowtiem nao?]

bartending, the doctor, ouranos, deerskin, homestar runner, teja, abe no seimei, nancy (doctor who), pomona, stone angels

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