(no subject)

Mar 08, 2008 20:57

Rain, rain, rain.
Rain, rain, rain.

Rain, rain, rain.

It's been such a long time with nothing but rain that she cannot remember anything but rain. Not really, anyway, so it is little surprise when Medusa walks in that her clothes (a sari, blue and plain and in not as bad a condition as you might expect) are soaked, dripping, clinging to her.

Same with the dreadlocks her curls have become; lank, dripping and dull next to the glossy scales of her snakes.

And Medusa flinches when she walks in, because it's bright and it's warm and there are people, people, people everywhere and...and she isn't used to this. Not anymore. So she is going to stay in the doorway, claws hooked into the frame and eyes on the ground.

It's out of the weather.

That's all that matters.

[ooc: This EP is 100% open, it just carries a warning that Medusa is a) insane and b) may not remember this afterwards. I'm not on AIM right now, but I am contactable here.]

medusa, gavroche thenardier

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