
Feb 23, 2008 20:38

The Doctor notices the sign about tabs when he comes downstairs from the library for some tea. He's had to depend on that tab system while he's been stuck here, not having access to the TARDIS to settle up accounts as usual ( Read more... )

the doctor, spoon, inari, luke smith, yrael, ace (pyro), merlin, sarah jane smith

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mogget_cat February 24 2008, 02:13:58 UTC
One of the Doctor's feet might be warmer than the other.

Probably because it has a not'cat on it.


thedoctorwho February 24 2008, 02:40:13 UTC
It takes him a minute to realize the temperature difference, but when he does, the Doctor peeks below the table to find the little furball curled up on his foot.

"Comfortable?" he asks wryly.


mogget_cat February 24 2008, 02:43:40 UTC
"Yep. The only thing that could make it better would be some scritches."

(Or fish or milk...)

That, Doctor, is an imploringly adorable look you are getting from the vicinity of your foot. Yrael has no shame.


thedoctorwho February 24 2008, 03:01:30 UTC
"My arms are not quite long enough to accommodate and still keep my head above the table," he answers, giving Yrael a quick scritch behind the ear anyway. "And I do need to watch for possible customers. But if you want to hop into the seat beside me, that's another matter."


mogget_cat February 24 2008, 03:08:38 UTC
"What about your lap?" The not'cat purrs at the scritch, however brief it is. "Is your lap free? It'll leave the nearest seat free for customers."

Such an attention whore.


thedoctorwho February 24 2008, 03:26:47 UTC
The Doctor chuckles in spite of his mood. At least he asked, which is more than not'not'cats would do. "I suppose so. No fidgeting, though."


mogget_cat February 24 2008, 03:42:07 UTC
"I," he says, proudly, "do not fidget."

He doesn't! He curls up and purrs, just like he's doing now. Purring cats, and not'cats, are better than hot water bottles.


thedoctorwho February 24 2008, 03:57:50 UTC
The Doctor shakes his head, still chuckling slightly, and absently begins rubbing between the furry ears.

It is quite a balm to a frazzled mind, he has to admit.


mogget_cat February 24 2008, 04:03:02 UTC
Cat are, it must be said, pretty effective doom-shields.

Not'cats just moreso. They can go Nuclear Fission Kitty on any doom that arises.

This one, though, mostly is warm and purring and content, currently.

"Oooh, a little to the left?"


thedoctorwho February 24 2008, 04:28:30 UTC
He complies without thinking too much about it.

"Rose is frozen in time at the vanguard of a potentially devastating war between my two most powerful enemies, and I'm sitting here petting a cat," the Doctor says sadly. "Doesn't seem fair."


mogget_cat February 24 2008, 04:35:21 UTC
"Fairness is not a natural phenomenon," he mwrrrs, leaning hard against the Doctor's hand.

"My siblings stripped the power from hundreds of thousands of our kind to create Life, imprisoned my little brother when he tried to stop them, and imprisoned me for thousands of years for not volunteering my power for their use for volunteering to help imprison my little brother."

"Existence isn't fair."


thedoctorwho February 24 2008, 05:24:00 UTC
"True enough," he admits. "And I should know that as well as anyone."

How fair is a world where his people were destroyed wiping out the Dalek race, only to end up facing down not one, but two leftover armies all on his own.


mogget_cat February 24 2008, 05:33:38 UTC
"The best one can do is see what semblance of fairness one can impose upon the universe," he mwrrs.

"And give needy cats scritches."


thedoctorwho March 14 2008, 01:19:12 UTC
The Doctor smirks at that last part in spite of his sour mood.

"Well, then I would say I'm doing pretty close to my best."


mogget_cat March 14 2008, 02:02:03 UTC
"Well, then," he says, eyes closing in pleasure at the scritching.

"All is well."


thedoctorwho March 14 2008, 02:14:02 UTC
"All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds, is that it?"


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