The mun is putting all of her pups in, because she got into Uni and she has to celebrate somehow!

Feb 06, 2008 21:40

Aphrodite . . . well, she isn't there. But there's the faintest scent of fresh cherries on the air, and vanilla, and people might find themselves smiling for no apparent reason and wanting to find their nearest and dearest and remind them how important they are. But the Goddess herself is conspicuous by her absence from this line-up.


Emily is sitting at the bar with her usual chocolate milk. She also has a sheet of paper (read, ENORMOUS sheet of paper) on which is scrawled. . . well, it looks like a design for some kind of machine. It looks like an innocuous Rube Goldberg contraption, but knowing Emily? It's far more sinister than that.

She is inspecting it with great concentration, and making marks on it. One assumes they make sense to her, because they won't to anyone else.


Jadis is out by the lake, walking along the division between water and shore, and amusing herself with the trail of frost she leaves in her wake. It lasts only for a second - she wouldn't want to be accused of trying to keep winter around for any longer - but it amuses her. So few things do, these days.


Miho is also outside, at the practice range. She isn't using guns though, but rather has her shuriken, and is flicking them with bored accuracy into the dummy at the end of the range. This is too easy - she misses the challenge of Basin City. But she has no real desire to go 'home'. there's even less for her there than there is here.


Tonio arrived quietly, and has set himself up by the fire, in one of the squashy armchairs. He has a glass of sweet white wine, and a recent score of Vivaldi's, and is perusing it with a half-smile, occasionally whispering notes to himself.


Xavin is scowling. He's scowling so hard that he barely has any other energy, because all of his being is poured into being PISSED OFF. It might not be wise to trouble him. . .

teja, emily the strange, jadis, miho (deadly little), tower, eisenheim

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