(no subject)

Jan 18, 2008 05:37

[OOM: At least she's got a name now, and it sounds a little familiar: Shu. In a time of crisis, memories aren't necessary if the knowledge is still there.

Long version is long. Thus, summary is here.]

There's a young woman looking bewildered in the door. She's in her late teens, and dressed in strangely cut clothes that are reminiscent of hospital whites, gloves and all.

Shu thought she was going to the storeroom for sterile pads. She was not expecting a bar to be in her way. After leaving and coming back a couple of times to find that the bar just won't go away, she sighs.

"If it's not one thing its another."

[ooc: plotlocked-ish. See this post for details.]

washuu hakubi, oom

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