Entrance Post

Jan 10, 2008 23:00

[ OOM: Within the Old Kingdom friends are made and promises of a safe haven. But it's never easy to say goodbye when you're dead. ]

The door into the bar opened into a hallway that looked like a rundown hospital. Plaster was falling from the ceiling, chairs were turned over at random spots, and most important it was dirty. You couldn't have the Old Kingdom without the spooky setting that most humans never saw. Unless she took them there.

However noone is standing there in the door at first but as a cold breeze moves in some people could catch the glimpse out of the corner of their eyes. A little girl sad and wearing clothing from a time long past. Some may see her. Others may not, but everyone could say they sometimes heard the sad, echoed words of a little girl. "Antubis? Where are you?"

Welcome to the other Between Lands, Mary.

[If you have questions on what your pup may see when they are around Mary, please feel free to ping the mun on aim at MicaraSilverfox]

rennes, oom, nathan petrelli, tegid tathal, le chiffre

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