
Jan 08, 2008 18:48

The door flickers briefly into a tent flap, that is pulled back to reveal a battalion encampment before being blocked by the woman stepping through. She is dressed in a rider's leather breeches and what might be a loose fitting tunic on a man, but is pulled taut against her adequate bosom. Her skin is pale, and her shoulder-length hair is stark ( Read more... )

yt, kitai, deerskin, tavi

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calderon_crow January 9 2008, 00:14:41 UTC
The door seems to be a tent flap again for a moment as someone else comes in behind her, a faint smile spreading on his face as he sees Milliways again.

It's been a few days for him, after all.

But the movement he catches from the corner of his eyes has him turning and then he's staring blatantly at the last person he would have thought--


Scratch that.

The first person he would have thought to find here but the last person he'd thought might actually show up. Despite the emotions that he can feel coming from Kitai, he grins bright as the sun at seeing her here.

At the bar.

With him.

"Kitai? Did you just--"

Who knows how long she might have been here.


wantedahorse January 9 2008, 00:17:56 UTC
"Aleran, get down!" she hisses. The last thing she needs to worry about is looking after the poor idiot while trying to save his life.


calderon_crow January 9 2008, 00:19:25 UTC
He doesn't move.

"It's okay," he says carefully, making sure he doesn't sound condescending. It wouldn't go over well, but it'd be easy to do that at the moment. It's something completely new to her.

"This place is safe. Well, as safe as a place can be, anyway. I've been here before."


wantedahorse January 9 2008, 00:22:31 UTC
She spares some of her attention from the other people to give him a look that could wither flowers. "There is a tavern. In your tent. Where no tavern should be. How, exactly, is that safe?"


calderon_crow January 9 2008, 00:24:30 UTC
He spreads his hands.

"I don't get exactly how it works," he says, tempted to sic Ray on her with his math, "but it's as safe as the sun and the moon and the stars. It just happens, like rain.

"And like I said, I've been here a few times before. You never came with me, but I was hoping one day you'd come here too."

And he was sort of smiling now. Despite the knives.


wantedahorse January 9 2008, 00:28:38 UTC
Kitai stares at him for another long, calculating moment, and then, reluctantly, puts her knives away.

"You are a fool to think of anywhere as safe, chala, and I am the greater fool to listen to you. But, as you will."


calderon_crow January 9 2008, 00:31:29 UTC
"Safer," he acquiesces. Then he turns to her. "Especially with you here."

It wasn't exactly flattery, but it might calm her down a little more.


wantedahorse January 9 2008, 00:40:22 UTC
No, it wasn't exactly flattery, and as such, Kitai does not exactly preen under it. She does relax her stance somewhat, however.

"Tell me about this strange tavern you have discovered, then."


calderon_crow January 9 2008, 00:45:35 UTC
"That's complicated," he admits. "First of all, it's connected to a lot of places other than our tent. Secondly, the counter over there where you'd get drinks is sentient and can give you drinks all by itself through some kind of... magic. Third, there are rules and the biggest one involves 'no violence'"

He'd bring up the slightly more forgiving lake area thing afterwards (or when it came up).

"and the other big one involves keeping your clothes on when you're in the public areas. Which, you know, we've sort of been working on anyway."


wantedahorse January 9 2008, 00:48:51 UTC
She sort of glosses over "magic bar" for the moment. There is already too much talk of magic in the world without adding to it.

For the rest, she merely listens studiously, and then raises an eyebrow. "So it is not simply safe, but boring as well?"


calderon_crow January 9 2008, 00:50:21 UTC
He can't help the blush.

"There are non-public areas," he points out with a gesture towards the stairs. "And considering they have all the hot baths, warm food, and soft bed you could ever want, I'm just fine with a little boring. Not that this place is really boring. Trust me, you'll find out once you meet some of the people here."


wantedahorse January 9 2008, 00:54:34 UTC
At the mention of people, Kitai shifts her attention back to the other patrons. "Where do these others come from? They are not from the camp."


calderon_crow January 9 2008, 02:38:40 UTC
"Different places," he says honestly. "Though a lot of them are from a place called Earth, a different world from ours."


wantedahorse January 9 2008, 02:49:20 UTC
"A different world? How is that possible?"

She holds up a hand before he can answer. "No, that does not matter. How is any of this possible, after all? As you have been here before, I will trust you to tell me what is important to know."


calderon_crow January 9 2008, 02:52:31 UTC
"You're going to see people here who do things and say things that don't make much sense to us. They'll talk of places you've never heard of or mention creatures we don't have on our world."

He breathes out.

"Though I do think that one of the worlds at least might have intersected with our own at some point."


wantedahorse January 9 2008, 03:17:17 UTC
Her head tilts.

"Intersected how?" She thinks of the vord.


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