(no subject)

Jan 07, 2008 19:57

Oh, no.

Where did he get THAT? And does it really matter?

Somehow, The Door has opened for a Bender on the run. A Bender on the run, carrying a slot machine. And then slammed in the officers' faces.

"Haha! Take that, suckers! You couldn't catch the Great Bender if I was made of lead!" It's just now that Bender looks around. "Oh, hey! Here this thing'll be safe!" The robot quickly takes it over to an empty wallspace near the door to the lake and plops it down. "Theeeeere we go!"

Some peop--er, robots never change...


Speaking of robots...Look look look!

Wait, sorry, that's not a robot--UNTIL HE TURNS SO ONLY HIS LEFT SIDE IS SHOWING.

*Cue mun breaking into song-- "The phaaaaaaaaaantom of Wraith Squadron is theeeeeeeere... to breeeak your miiiiiiiind..."*

Yes, it's Ton. Yes, he's in a sarcastic mood. Even when he's sleeping. Like now.

C'mon. The mun dares you.

Alright, so he just wants to see what the cranky cyborg will do. C'MON!!!

ton phanan

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