first entrance

Dec 13, 2007 20:36

[oom: pre-milliways]

When the door opens again this evening, a pretty young woman in a floral-patterned dress enters the bar. She takes a curious step forward, glances from left to right; up and down, then takes another step back towards the door to inspect the door-frame. See, the thing is, when she opened her front door in the first place, she expected to see the front lawn - green and grassy, with the big iron gate by the road - and she was used to that; after all, she used to sell honey for the homeless right in front of the house.

But this? ...well, it is not exactly what she thought she'd find.

"Oh!" she exclaims to no one in particular, her eyes alight. Clearly the prospect of finding herself in some unknown location does not bother her as much. "How neat."

The door closes shut with a quiet click and 28 year old Charlotte Charles, otherwise known as 'Chuck', turns back to face the bar.

[tinytag: Chuck Charles]

roger ratcliff, al calavicci, oom

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