
Dec 04, 2007 20:48

Riku is in Milliways once more. He can be found outside, near to the lake, wielding a practice wooden sword. For every day that he'd lost his sight, he'd gotten rustier with his fighting skills, and he's finding as many chances as he can to practice now ( Read more... )

riku, xemnas, spoon, mickey mouse, yrael, axel

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there_is_a_me December 5 2007, 03:51:24 UTC
Spoon is very much not a Heartless. He is, however, a swordsman (more now than when it was just a hobby) and when he heads out with his own practise sword over his shoulder he pauses to watch the (much) younger man working out.


tall_dark_and December 5 2007, 04:40:05 UTC
When Riku notices the presence of another, he notes the sword quickly. "You as well?" he inquires, even though it's pretty obvious.


there_is_a_me December 5 2007, 04:42:21 UTC
"Twenty five years now." Spoon says with a nod and a faint smile, "Only got into it intensively since I got free, though."


tall_dark_and December 5 2007, 04:46:11 UTC
Riku grins, the expression showing a little too much teeth. "Longer than me," he says. "I haven't even been alive that long."

Certain parts of him, anyway.


there_is_a_me December 5 2007, 04:47:28 UTC
Spoon, very carefully, shows no teeth at all under normal circumstances, "Eh." he says with a shrug, "We all are young at some point."


tall_dark_and December 5 2007, 04:49:10 UTC
"If we can afford the luxury."

Riku hasn't been able to afford it in over a year. Things... tend to happen, after all.


there_is_a_me December 5 2007, 04:51:31 UTC
"Difference between young and innocent." Spoon says, "Young everyone gets. Innocent? That gets bled away with circumstance."


tall_dark_and December 5 2007, 05:12:51 UTC
"True," Riku acknowledges, shrugging his shoulders once. "It's something most regret, sometimes erroneously."

It's not always a bad thing to lose your innocence.


there_is_a_me December 5 2007, 05:15:35 UTC
"I know." Spoon says with a small shrug as he lights a new fag, "Guessing you're of the young and not so innocent, then. War?"


tall_dark_and December 8 2007, 20:53:53 UTC
"Certainly not," Riku says. He wrinkles his nose a little at the smoke, but says nothing. "Betrayl."

The teeth flash again, along with the wolf-wide smile; he doesn't seem upset by the reasoning for his loss of innocence at all.


there_is_a_me December 8 2007, 20:56:16 UTC
"Could you try not to do that?" Spoon asks, gesturing to his teeth, "Sets off instincts and shite. I'm not nearly as human as I look. Betrayal. Fuckin' hell, I know that one too. Personal level, or up one?"


tall_dark_and December 8 2007, 21:39:14 UTC
"Apologies," Riku says. "I've been around far too little people the past few days, and far too much darkness - sometimes I lose sight of what's polite."

His face is straight, now, no sign of a grin or a smirk or a smile. "Up more than a few notches. One of those epic betrayls, involving kingdoms and heirs to a throne."

And yet, nothing that could really considered to be war, as it was on a far more personal level of vendetta. No, that had been long before - and they hadn't seen the likes of it yet again. Small favours, perhaps?


there_is_a_me December 8 2007, 21:41:59 UTC
"Werewolf." Spoon says with a shrug, "Teeth are a challenge. Even with the dragon hunting I did recently it's been a bloody tense month. Sounds utterly fuckin' bone. Still going on?"


tall_dark_and December 8 2007, 21:52:39 UTC
"I know someone like that," Riku says. "He's not a werewolf, but he goes pretty berserk around the moon." How close did that count to the same thing? "Are you unbound, at least?"

He expects it'd be a hell of a lot worse, if the guy wasn't.

"I think the only betrayl left is everyone refusing to get over themselves long enough to realize they have the same goals, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. It's in the nature of creatures to be stupid."


there_is_a_me December 8 2007, 21:56:49 UTC
"Yeah, spend the moon at home. We have plenty of goats to kill and eat." Spoon is very calm about it. See: recent dragon hunting. "Good luck getting people to get their heads out of their arses. Easier for me than most, I suppose. I just kill what da' points me at, or friends offer."


tall_dark_and December 8 2007, 22:07:37 UTC
"Killing's easiest," Riku agrees. "When you can just dispatch of the mindless things around you. It's harder when morals get involved in it."

He pushes his bangs out of his eyes, in what may be considered a nervous sort of gesture. "Kinda wish I had that luxury, sometimes. To just forget about all of the implications involved in everything I do."


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