(no subject)

Nov 17, 2007 00:39

The bar door opens, and Edward Elric steps through the door.

His eyes widen when he does so. To say he looks shocked is an understatement, but there's really no better word in the english language. Shocked, and then all the colour drains from his face. He glances around quickly, and then -- he turns on his heel to look behind him.

It's easy to notice he looks older. A keen eye might notice that he's got two flesh hands. But he doesn't give anyone time to approach him about either of these things.

The bar doesn't seem intent on letting him out, at least at the moment. Because when he tries the door, it's locked. He considers this fact, and he considers the rest of the bar. It's an easy decision to run like hell towards the stairs. Facing this place is so not an option right now.

This is not a fact that goes unnoticed, as proven when Duo follows him a minute or two later.

What events proceed? Well, let us spy for awhile and see...

duo maxwell, oom, edward elric

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