(no subject)

Nov 05, 2007 02:19

Kaplan could feel the anti-virus starting to slowly wear off over the days since Alice had given him the requested small dose. The fever was picking up again and his stomach, well, was revolting against anything that wasn't raw or meat. That wasn't going to stop him from his work though. He had to much information to try to gather before his time could run out.

Thus the reason that he is sitting at a booth with an assortment of items about him: his small computer rests on the tabletop infront of him and open to some sort of document, pencil and papers to his right, and books to his left. Other tech items that he managed to hold onto inside the Hive rest within arms length ranging from a cell phone to a zip-housed USB port. Chad looks paler than he was yesterday with his head rested against the palm of his left hand while his right holds a pencil staring down at a sequence of codes infront of him.

Very botherable.

[ ooc: The mun is home sick and doesn't think they are going to make it to class. Tags are welcome but may be slow in responding. ]

wanijima akito/agito, roshaun

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