(no subject)

Nov 03, 2007 20:18

Jamie's been looking at the door a little more curiously, these days.

It's odd, having no sense of how long he's going to be here.  Not like he's in any hurry to leave - this is one of the easiest worlds he's ever been to for a kid alone to get along in - but without the constant reminder that sooner or later, he'll be on his way . . .

The rule is that you blend in, but never so much you forget that you'll be moving on.  Be liked, make friends, but not too close.  No one you'll miss too much when you leave.  He can't afford to get too comfortable, is the trouble - and Milliways is real comfortable.

So Jamie looks a little thoughtful, today, as he sits on the couch and munches on his chips, ball balanced absently under one foot.

But distractions are always helpful.

jamie hamilton, bonzo madrid, medusa

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