First Enterance

Oct 29, 2007 15:35

[OOM: In the town of Barrow, Something arrives. A day or so later, that something causes grief ]

The dark is settling.

And Eben Olemaun is in no mood for bullshit. Yesterday was bad enough, but he got those tourists away (thank god) Made sure to visit the general store and buy gas for his and stella's Jenny-

Forget describing it, he's got a list. A list of things to do, among them "Purchase laundry deturgent" and "Follow up Beau's Last Ticket."

Shouldering through the door to the station, he ignores the few flakes that blow in (A mild snow compared to the season that's coming.) straightening his "Barrow Sheriff's Jacket as he checks off something on the list, "Helen?"

The blank look on his face is one many patrons will probably be familiar with by now.

The door (for it's part) is blowing cold air in and banging bang! bang! against the frame.

Welcome to Milliways Sheriff Olemaun.

oom, morgana lefay, tom (re your brains), sheriff eben olemaun

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