(no subject)

Oct 29, 2007 15:08

This is Larry backing through the front door, in the middle of talking to someone - or, knowing his job, poassibly something - and then brightening a bit when he notices where he is.
It takes a couple seconds before he realizes what happened to his clothes. (Fortunately, the door's shut by that point.)
"...What the... okay, this is not funny. I can't go back dressed like this, I'd never live it down--"
Talking like that, of course, just means he gets to watch as his door out disappears.
"...You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Larry mutters something rather uncomplimentary (as well as unintelligible, unless you know from ancient Egyptian - never let it be said that his job is not an education), and flops down on a nearby couch.

(OOC: Theoretically, I'm doing homework. And I will be disappearing sometime in the next two hours to attend to dinner and other errands. Responses may be slow, but they will happen!)

larry daley

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