Today has not been a good day in Ray's America. A PKE meter overloaded in the hands of an Army National Guardsman and had to be fastballed into a reservoir, resulting in a rain of fish. Ambassador McClure, the American representative to the Deep Ones, submitted his resignation on the grounds that 'these guys remind me too much of a relationship that ended very, very badly'. And fifteen mice that were captured on the outskirts of Towanda, Pennsylvania tested positive for the
Sin Nombre virus.
Also, Ray is a Yankees fan, and that means that by law he has to root against the Boston Red Sox even when they're playing against somebody else entirely.
So, yeah, not a good day back home, but at least some further digging around resulted in more information being extracted from Pennsylvania than Ray had previously thought. He's just going to take a breather at the Bar with a mug of Ovaltine the size of his head and go over his stack of notes on the Ark of the Covenant, just in case.