After some time, the Rani steps out of her TARDIS.

Oct 17, 2007 12:29

She's thoroughly disgusted, irritated through and through with all the experiments she would have to start over, all the supplies she would have to obtain again, and all the work she would have to do on the various greenhouses and ecosystems and labs and rooms to get them back to the well-oiled 'machine' they once were before her ship was taken by the Tetraps. Between those bumbling fools and their meddling and the simple lack of her own presence to make the necessary adjustments or the desired observations, she'd lost something like 20 years of work on somewhere around 40% of her experiments.

As such, she needs a drink and a meal and possibly even contact with another being. If only to mock/heckle/belittle/smack/scream at them, whatever the case might be.

She heads for the bar, settles on a stool as she pulls out her datapad to go through the readings from the various experiments that had been undamaged by her absence, and orders herself some tea with a fruit salad.

the rani, captain kirk, captain ryan

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