(no subject)

Oct 08, 2007 08:51

Normally my partner has a constitution you could build a house on, but a weeks spent living in an abandoned hut on the eastern moor during our most recent case together proved too much even for him. Simon caught a severe cold that, to me at least, seems to verge on influenza. Ophelia and I, for once in perfect agreement on something, are making a coordinated effort to force Simon to take much-needed rest, medicine and food. We also decided not to allow him to see any newspapers, lest he discover some interesting crime and go haring off to investigate it. Of course, all of this has made my partner even more insufferable than usual.

And now Dame Wycliffe's jewels have gone missing from the safe in her house and she wants Simon to look into the matter. Which means I have to do it, all while making sure that Simon has someone keeping an eye on him at all times and ensuring that he does not get involved and make himself even sicker. Bloody hell.

So I am actually rather glad to see Milliways when I walk through the door to what I thought was Dame Wycliffe's house. I could sorely use the chance for a rest and a quiet drink. I sit down at the Bar and ask for a snifter of brandy. Although it's morning where I come from, I don't suppose that matters at the end of the universe.

emma bishop, captain kirk

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