(no subject)

Oct 07, 2007 19:46

It's thankfully slow in the Bar when the prairie dog, who's been napping comfortably beneath Bar with a bowl full of whiskey and half a pile of munched peanut shells, wakes up with a twitch. Something is different...something is not right...something...is the room getting...bigger?

And is he...


"Fargin' hell!"

Thankfully since this has been happening all day and into the evening Bar provides a towel, which is quickly grabbed and then there's a lanky blonde haired cowboy who scurries much like that prairie dog would have if being chased by a hawk upstairs to his room. Once he's clean (that hot bath felt so good) and he's brushed his teeth (never eating peanuts for a week again) and dressed (nudity in public? not a fan, thanks) he heads back downstairs.

Walking on two feet?

Totally weird, by the way.

He'll blame that (and not his killer hangover) for the way he steadies himself as he comes downstairs tonight. Botherable.

[AIM is being a cheap date and won't put out, but I'm here.]

doc scurlock, svava

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