Oct 06, 2007 11:25
It's approaching the afternoon, but, from the look of things, Momiji has just gotten up a little while ago. His blonde hair is damp, though neatly combed, and though he has a long, lacy shirt somewhere in between pink and red on his upper half, the rest of him is still nestled in a pair of bright pink, pajama pants, with bunnies printed all over them. He doesn't seem to show any sign of thinking this an out of the ordinary outfit for the Bar, though he does quickly slip into a booth, the table hiding most of his lower body.
And, so, a moment later, he's eating breakfast and sipping chocolate milk, rubbing his eyes to try to shake the sleep from them. It's worth noting that there seems to be a bit more on the table than a rabbit-boy his size can eat.
Any people/critters in the mood for rice?
plot: critterz!!!,
momiji sohma,
james sirius potter,
mia ausa