
Oct 04, 2007 15:40

There are two pups in the bar - two completely unrelated pups who don't even know the other exists, because really, why would they? They have nothing in common.

On the one hand, there is a Remy, sitting atop the bar's surface, just people-watching and more or less enjoying a lazy day off.

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plot: critterz!!!, yt, remy (ratatouille), remy lebeau, dr robert chase

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thiefprinceremy October 4 2007, 21:01:27 UTC
Remy, meet... well, Remy.

The rat was being squinted at, this was followed by: "Pssst! Hey, you got anything shiny?" And a ferrety facepalm, "Sorry. Meant to ask if you used t'be human."


ratatouiller October 4 2007, 21:11:18 UTC
"Uh - no," answers the rat, taken a bit aback. "To both questions. I'm afraid I'm just a rat with nothing."

Nothing much to his name, and certainly nothing shiny.


thiefprinceremy October 4 2007, 21:15:41 UTC
He nodded, it was a wriggly, full-body movement. He was a little bit like a furry eel, "Yeah, okay, just sort of taking a poll, lot more animals around than usual, most've them used to be people, I know I did."


ratatouiller October 4 2007, 21:24:23 UTC
Well, Remy certainly knows a bit about that. His (only?) friend Linguini used to be a boy, but no longer.

"How'd you all get to be like that? What happened?"


thiefprinceremy October 4 2007, 21:27:01 UTC
The headshake was just as wriggly as the nod, "Don't know. That's what's weird, everybody got it different so there's no easy way to tell."


ratatouiller October 4 2007, 21:35:17 UTC
"So this sort of thing...it doesn't happen a lot, then."

He's been hoping to help Linguini out somehow.


thiefprinceremy October 4 2007, 21:38:17 UTC
"Oh, it does. Just usually there's some common thread's all."

He shrugged, "It'll get sorted out though, always does."


ratatouiller October 4 2007, 21:46:01 UTC
The little rat brightens significantly.

"Really? Well, that's a relief. My friend's stuck as a squirrel, you see. It'll be kind of a problem when we go back home."


thiefprinceremy October 4 2007, 21:48:31 UTC
Another nod, "Yeah, can see how that wouldn' be so good. I mostly live here anyway, so s'not such a big deal for me."


ratatouiller October 4 2007, 22:14:51 UTC
"Oh, that's good, then," Remy says, nodding. "So how does this get sorted out, exactly?"


thiefprinceremy October 4 2007, 22:21:29 UTC
A shrug, "They figure out what caused it and reverse it, or if it was a person they get bored of it and fix it, or maybe it was an accident and they fix it."

He tilted his head, thinking, "Or sometimes it's just Bar trying something different, but usually that's just clothes, not full transformations y'know?"


ratatouiller October 4 2007, 22:52:30 UTC
Just clothes? Not full transformations? ... Not exactly.

He hasn't been here long enough to know the sorts of odd things that occur here.

"Oh, okay. And in the mean time, people just...wait?"


thiefprinceremy October 4 2007, 22:55:21 UTC
He nodded, "Usually. Sometimes people freak out, I mean, there've been a couple times that I've tried, but then the ferret instincts take over and I get distracted by somethin' shiny."


ratatouiller October 4 2007, 23:17:32 UTC
Remy chuckles.

"Sorry I can't help you with that," he says. "But I can relate. I get that way around food."


thiefprinceremy October 4 2007, 23:22:38 UTC
There was another ferrety laugh, shaking his head, "Naah, I'm not too worried 'bout it now, s'been long enough that somebody'll figure it out soon."


ratatouiller October 4 2007, 23:41:44 UTC
"That's good to hear, I guess," he says with a shrug. "Any reason why people become the particular animals they are?"


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