
Sep 25, 2007 20:15


Jayne's got himself an actual date to a wedding.

It's safe to say that this is a new and unprecedented thing, and Jayne is pondering it, brow furrowed, over a glass of tequila.  Which does help with the pondering, somewhat.

mary anne bell, angela petrelli, lilly kane, charlie mcgee, jayne cobb

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ladyfirestarter September 26 2007, 03:37:31 UTC
A red-haired woman steps up to the bar next to him and puts down what looks like a room key.

"Thanks again," she says to the bar, as the key disappears.


swinging_cod September 26 2007, 03:44:46 UTC
Jayne gulps the last sip of his (first) glass of tequila and sets the empty glass down at nearly the same time as she speaks; it refills, but Jayne's more watching the key vanish, now.

"Never gonna get used to that," he mutters.


ladyfirestarter September 26 2007, 03:45:55 UTC
The woman glances at him.

"What, things being absorbed back into the bar? It's a little weird, yeah."

She sounds pretty unconcerned about it.


swinging_cod September 26 2007, 03:50:59 UTC
Everyone in the whole damn place is pretty unconcerned about it. It's probably, Jayne thinks dourly, all getting dropped in the middle of some tiny village somewhere where they've put up a gorram clay bar statue.

Conversation-wise, this translates to a grunt.


ladyfirestarter September 26 2007, 03:55:10 UTC
"Not really any weirder than things appearing out of it, though."

A glance up at the Specials board.


swinging_cod September 26 2007, 04:00:11 UTC
"Least you can drink the things as come out," Jayne points out, and takes a gulp of tequila to punctuate.

Don't look gift liquor in the mouth, is generally Jayne's motto.


ladyfirestarter September 26 2007, 04:08:59 UTC
"And that makes up for the weird," she agrees.

And, as though reminded: "Bar, can I get a rum-and-Coke? Thanks."


swinging_cod September 26 2007, 04:18:17 UTC
This grunt signifies agreement!

"Long as the booze is good and don't turn you into a penguin or somesuch gŏushĭ, don't matter so much where it comes from."


ladyfirestarter September 26 2007, 04:38:33 UTC
"Turn you into a penguin?"

Her eyebrows go up.

"Has that happened to you?"


swinging_cod September 26 2007, 04:51:22 UTC
"Hell no."

Jayne takes a gulp of tequila and grins broadly. "Happened to the Doc, though. Day I missed that particular spectacle's in the runnin' for saddest day of my life."


ladyfirestarter September 26 2007, 04:55:06 UTC

Amused, and a little wry.

"You've led a charmed life, then."


swinging_cod September 26 2007, 05:03:15 UTC
"Didn't say it weren't beaten out by a fair few."

Jaynestown. Ariel. Serenity!


ladyfirestarter September 26 2007, 05:07:23 UTC
Easily: "Well, here's to today not being one of those days."

She raises her glass to him.


swinging_cod September 26 2007, 05:25:29 UTC
"It'd have t'do a real quick about-face t'catch up with some of 'em," Jayne says, but raises the glass halfway up anyways before conveying it the rest of the way to his mouth for another gulp.


ladyfirestarter September 26 2007, 05:30:09 UTC
"So how long have you been coming here, Mr...?"

She trails off in the fashion of one hoping the other party will fill in a name.


swinging_cod September 26 2007, 05:35:44 UTC
"Cobb," Jayne rumbles, and then remembers there was an actual question attached, and shrugs.

"Couple years, I guess, on'n off. Crew's got a fondness for the place."


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