[OOM: The things
Clark does to distract himself from angst. It doesn't always last, but interludes are nice, especially when they lead to
best friend chats and joint trips to Milliways...]
A reporter and a farmer walk into a bar. Clark follows Chloe into the main area, dutifully, and waits for her to decide where they're going to sit. It's her show, after all.
"So, at a table or at the bar?" He asks patiently. "Or we could throw manners to the wind and eat on the couches. Just not a booth. They make me feel squished."
Dinner is the goal of the evening. It's about time Clark made good on that promise.
((OOC: Joint post! Tag both or either. Feel free to catch them before or after dinner.
ETA: Chloe's mun is off for the night, but Clark is still open for après dinner solo tags.))