(no subject)

Sep 16, 2007 19:01

There's no small amount of pleasure taken in the way she drapes herself over the bar stool like she never left, feet up on the rim of the stool, index finger tracing a random ring of water on Bar's surface. She hasn't had any need for actual money in months now, but that hasn't stopped her carrying some around in her pocket like she has ever since the plague, and she sets a couple bucks down on the bar right now. In her world, things always have a way of coming in handy.

When Beth and Junior and Spike disappeared through that portrait earlier, she took a few to just breathe in the sights and sounds of this place before heading outside to take a walk around the lake. Right there was where she and Quinn first decided to go upstairs together. Right there was where she had that long-ago conversation with Spike, the one where she decided he wasn't such a bad guy after all. Back inside again, she did an equal inventory: met Jack Twist right over there when he told her to shut the hell up. Sat right at that table when Duo stepped up, all shy and young and secure in his insecurity, met Elaine over here. Flirted with that guy Jayne, the guy with a chick's name, but she's the last goddamn person to give anyone crap over a name.

Unless he's her brother. Then he deserves it.

But now she's kicking back, taking a load off. This place is like some fantasy vacation and she doesn't know how long they'll get to stay, but damn if she doesn't plan on making the most out of it while she's here.

Yeah, it's nice to catch a good break every once in a while. And because she can't get one at all on Earth any more, she orders herself a Coca-Cola with a squeeze of fresh lemon. It brings back so many memories.

hero brown, elaine le blanke, jack twist

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