So Gene had made an error. He had made a
bet with one of his best friends and he had lost..which wasn't bad, really, considering how the medic was going to have to make a fool of himself infront of the entire bar. It wasn't like he was going to have to wear a dress or anything.
With his leg proped up on the table he's currently sitting on, guitar in lap, the Easy Company 506th medic clears his throat to try to get the attention of anyone who would care to listen. It's surprising in a way since the generaly soft spoken man can be rather loud.
"Ah..if I could get the attention of anyone. I just lost a rather funny little bet with m' friend, Will, and I'm collectin on the losers end." Struming a few chords Gene lets a sly smile slip across his face. "Hope yous guys don' mind some Spike Jones.."