
Sep 02, 2007 12:47

(OOM: Iorek has been keeping himself busy. Which leads directly to this post.)

The back door opens, revealing the huge, sleek shape of the armored bear as he drops to all fours and pads over towards the Bar, a flat piece of wood a couple feet across held carefully in his fearsome jaws. As he gets to the Bar he rears up onto his hind legs. Taking the ( Read more... )

will scarlett, iorek byrnisson, kevin ford, oom, captain ryan, zuko

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princeinexile September 3 2007, 05:37:29 UTC
...considering what Zuko thinks of Ryan -- and what a funny mood he's been in lately, the poor, Mary Sue Addled Prince is-- well, a little bewildered by the sign.

And then he finds the bear.

"...you're Iorek?" he hazards, uncertain how one addresses a bear. (And it's just-- a bear. Not a platypus-bear. Just a bear. Like, an EARTH BEAR. Only. Not. It apparently makes signs. Weird.)


panser_bjorn September 3 2007, 21:08:28 UTC
Yes, well. Aside from the sign, the dark metal armor that he wears, made of interlocking and hinged plates, some almost one inch thick, would seem to point to that. Or the fact he's drinking from an earthenware jug which he holds with one long claw hooked through its handle. Not too bear-like any of that.

And of course, the fact that he speaks in a low, rumbling but perfectly articulate voice is another little factor.

"Yes, I am Iorek Byrnison. And you are?"


princeinexile September 4 2007, 07:04:19 UTC
"One of Milliway's smiths," says the boy with fire behind his eyes.

Yes, he's not like an earthbear. But he's not -- well, he's nothing like what's in Zuko's world, either.

"You were seeking use of the forge?"


panser_bjorn September 4 2007, 09:23:47 UTC
Iorek nods, regarding the strange boy before him. It's still odd to see so many humans without their daemons around, but he is far less shocked than a human from his own world would be.

"Yes. I need to work, so I can pay the Bar for... Her services." There is a moment's hesitation before addressing an inanimate object as a 'she', but since those he has spoken with before have done so...


princeinexile September 5 2007, 08:26:04 UTC
"And you work in the forge?" Or rather, Zuko blinks and then reclarifies, "You want to work in our forge?"

He has to share it with MORE people? BEARS even?


panser_bjorn September 5 2007, 13:38:41 UTC
"My armor needs maintenance" He says simply, opening his forelegs slowly to show the carefully-fitted plates. "and I can't entrust anyone else with working on it. And also, I am a Panserbjorn. That's what my people do, that and fighting..." A brief look around, then back to Zuko

"And fighting is forbidden here."


princeinexile September 6 2007, 20:34:38 UTC
"Fighting to harm is forbidden here. Fighting for practice," Zuko clarifies, "Not so much. So long as one cares not to harm the other person one 'fights' or spars with."

...he just doesn't know if the bear can pull his punches. Still, the clarification was needed!

But he looks at the armor -- familiar with Hephaestos' mastercrafting, it's easy to see the bear is gifted.

"Perhaps," he says. "I can come to a compromise. We already share the forge in shifts, but... there is another that I have access too that is -- more remote, more private, and would certainly be suiting for a Master Smith like yourself -- if I can garner it's use for you, or at least an introduction to it's owner, would that be suitable?"

The ring around his neck glitters with warm, red sparks within the red stone. Hephaestos gave him the key, but he's certainly not sharing it with people. He'll ask the forge God about if he'd like to MEET the bear!


panser_bjorn September 6 2007, 23:08:22 UTC
Iorek fixes Zuko with a long, disconcertingly flat gaze. Finally he nods his great head slowly.

"Thank you for the compliment." There's no space for modesty, false or otherwise, in a Panserbjorne. All of his kind have a gift for metalworking, and he assumes as much. There is pride in his skill, but just as he won't flaunt it to make others feel diminished, neither will he belittle his own skill.

"More than suitable. I don't want to interfere in the use of the local forge. If you could put me in contact with another smith who could share his own forge with me, I would be thankful." There's another pause, and the bear tilts his head.

"And maybe if we get to such an agreement, you could tell me your name." The tone is neutral. Not the carefully-controlled neutrality of someone -trying- to hide his feelings, but rather naturally so.


princeinexile September 7 2007, 01:00:16 UTC
The young man blinks his eyes, and then realizes his rudeness. "Ah," he says, dipping his head. "I'm Zuko, student of Hephaestos, the Forge God."

Which is who he'll be introducing the Panserbjorn to!


panser_bjorn September 7 2007, 15:28:03 UTC
"A god...?" Iorek doesn't sound nor seem impressed, but only slightly curious. Coming from a people without gods, in a world where where the dominant religion is more of a philosophy, the concept itself is a strange one. Nevermind that one of his first conversations in Milliways was with Belar. He doesn't know Belar is a god, so it doesn't count.

"Good to meet you, Zuko. And I assume this Hephaestos the Forge God is the one whom you are going to put me in contact with?"


princeinexile September 8 2007, 22:53:08 UTC
Zuko nods. "He has a place far from here, but if you are a smith..." Well, the implication is clear. Hephaestos is the patron of all smiths, isn't he? So, Hephaestos will help the Panserbjorn!

"I am his apprentice." Unlike ZHAO, who is his lackey, or Ryan, who was Will's lackey! ... or so it goes in Zuko's mind, anyway.


panser_bjorn October 18 2007, 10:01:41 UTC
The great head nods slowly, as if pondering or assuming the information. The bear can seem deceptively slow, as is usual with huge beasts until they choose to move quickly.

"I am. And it will be very interesting to meet a god of the forge. Is there anything I should be aware of before I meet this god?" Some of the people he has fought alongside during the years are of a superstitious nature and have dozens of taboos surrounding their religious beliefs, so maybe there are things he shouldn't do.

Aside, that is, from the common conventions of politeness.

(OOC: Sorry sorry sorry for the loooong unexplained hiatus. Hope we can still take the thread up and lead it somewhere interesting and meaningful.)


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