
Aug 25, 2007 17:18

There's a policemanofficer in the bar.

Danny's off-duty, though, way way way off-duty, and he's having dinner by himself (although he'd rather be having dinner with Nicholas right now but apparently Milliways didn't see fit to pull them in together like usual so WHATEVS) of a nice steak-and-veggie pasty with a side of baked beans. He's also ( Read more... )

danny butterman, ace (pyro), asakura yoh, nicholas angel, syal antilles, car keys

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nitro_is_ace August 26 2007, 01:23:44 UTC
"What, bein' a PC wasn't enough heartbreak, an' y'had t'go root for the Rovers?" Asks the resident forever juvenile delinquent, eying Danny's jersey dubiously.

Clearly, Danny and Wells are in the same 'crazy fans of other teams' category.


badboybutterman August 26 2007, 01:31:52 UTC
He cocks an eyebrow at her, wrinkling his brow. "'Scuze me? I know you've got a problem with my badge, but you've got a problem with my team as well, do ya?"


nitro_is_ace August 26 2007, 01:38:23 UTC
"Mate, m'like or dislike has nothin' t'do with it. I'd just think you'd want sommat t'celebrate once in a while." Ace notes, sympathetically. "Bein' a Gashead's just askin' for a world full of pain."


badboybutterman August 26 2007, 01:48:12 UTC
Danny's face is all, Oh no you di'in't! Lucky for Ace she's a girl or else he would've started something that probably would've gotten him kicked out of the bar.

"Yeah, well, the Rovers are the underdogs, see, the underdogs, an' nobody thinks they can do much, but when they do come through, they kick arse SO 'ard that victory tastes all the more sweeter, an' I wouldn't have it any other way. So THERE."

Alright, big'un, calm down.


nitro_is_ace August 26 2007, 02:07:33 UTC
Ace snickers. This guy's a much easier mark than the PCs that patrolled the streets of Perivale.
"Easy, mate. I'm just sayin'. If you want t'break y'own heart on y'own time, that's your problem."

Ace... um. Likes David Beckham. A lot. And by default, Manchester United. She's gonna cry when he gets transferred to Los Angeles in Wells' timeline.


badboybutterman August 26 2007, 05:32:09 UTC
He gives her a sour look that doesn't really mean much, because despite her attitude, he still thinks she's okay. Even though she's from Yorkshire.

"Mmhm, don't worry 'bout me, luv, I'll deal with it just fine. It's not like we need a Mr. Posh Spice on our team to stay loyal."

A bit of mutual ribbing can't hurt.


nitro_is_ace August 26 2007, 05:59:14 UTC
"A little eye candy never hurt anyone." Ace grins cheekily. "B'sides, there's that whole winnin' thing..."


badboybutterman August 26 2007, 06:20:23 UTC
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll have our day, just you wait n' see. So, wot else you up to tonight, then, besides baiting Rovers fans?"


nitro_is_ace August 26 2007, 06:25:41 UTC
"Not much, actually. Can't get any work done 'cause of this soddin' memory fixin', an' the full moon is just about here, so m'mate's not much in the mood for doin' stuff. Sometimes, things are actually dull here. Leadin' t' me baitin' poor Rovers fans." Ace explains. See? There's a logic to what she does.


badboybutterman August 26 2007, 06:42:47 UTC
Danny snorts a wry chuckle. "Well, now, ain't you glad I was around to keep the boredom away? Poor Rovers fans're good for something after all."


nitro_is_ace August 26 2007, 06:51:37 UTC
"Never said y'weren't good for sommat." Ace protests. "Prolly not a bad PC, as far as the police thing goes. But it is good y'here... weird things happen when I get bored."


This may or may not be Ace's fault.

Mostly 'may'.


badboybutterman August 26 2007, 07:33:18 UTC
"Hey, now, I'll have you know that I was made Sergeant a couple weeks ago, so none of this PC business anymore." His tone is still lightly joshing there, but it turns slightly suspicious... "Weird things? What kind of weird things?"


nitro_is_ace August 27 2007, 08:34:00 UTC
"... Um... There are paper planes? An' possibly geckos served with drinks? Not live geckos," And she sounds slightly put out, "Bar won't let me serve live geckos."

But they is so tasty!

"Good on you for the promotion, Sergeant."


badboybutterman August 27 2007, 15:19:24 UTC
"Thanks... But why on earth would you wanna serve geckos with drinks? Not sure what'd put me off my lager more, a live one or a dead one. You should use little rubber fake ones instead, stick 'em at the bottom of the glasses so they freak out the customers when they finish their pint, no harm done 'cept for maybe them spittin' up a mouthful, and that's always good for a laugh."


nitro_is_ace August 28 2007, 01:21:34 UTC
"Because they're good." Ace explains. Duh, Danny. Get with the times. "Puck has chocolate covered ones."

Ace covets the gecko candy, yes.


badboybutterman August 28 2007, 02:35:09 UTC
He pulls a face.

"You are weird, luv. Don't try n' serve me any o' that, thankyouverymuch."


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