(no subject)

Aug 21, 2007 21:47

Lyra Silvertongue and her daemon Pantalaimon have been busy since university let out for the summer. In May and June they worked in Bodley's Library, looking for information about the makings of the alethiometer, and then in July the Costas came and invited Lyra and Pan to travel with them for a month.

Lyra and Pan only just came back to Oxford tonight. The very first thing they did, after saying goodbye to Ma Costa and the rest of the family, was to go to the Botanical Gardens and climb over the fence to the Milliways door.

"My favorite was the Venetian Republic," Pantalaimon is saying to Lyra as they pass through the doorway.

"Mine too," agrees Lyra, "with the canals and the friendly boatmen, but I'm glad we're home."

Home is Oxford, of course, but they both know home is also Milliways, where Lyra and Pantalaimon can meet Will and Kirjava.

jordan black, lyra silvertongue, iorek byrnisson, will parry

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