*cackle cackle cackle snorf*

Aug 18, 2007 20:49

It was a dark and stormy night...

Someplace else.

Here, though, it's a normal night. There's no foreboding music, no crashes of lightning, no ominous chiming of a clock. Is there a clock in the bar? Who knows.

But there is an open door. And through that open door slips your dream girl (or at least, the dream girl of someone you know and you like her too, don't you? You do. She's just got that special something...), the most luminous, the most lustrous, the most brilliant, the most daring, the bravest, the brightest, the most graceful, the most powerful, the most polite, the kindest, the sweetest girl you've never met.

Hello, Milliways. Meet Mary Sue. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair

[ooc: slowtime for the moment! brain is out for the night. dun worry; Mary Sue will be in most nights the plot is running!]

salazar slytherin, mary sue must die, george luz, ray stantz, ace (pyro), rupert giles, shiori takatsuki, guardian bob, simon skinner

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