(no subject)

Aug 17, 2007 12:08

This morning, Transport Workers Union Local 45, representing the rank and file of Gotham City's subway and bus workers, decided to express its displeasure with not having a contract for 19 months by calling a one day strike. The city's roads, already likely to give drivers heaadaches, were giving them ful fledged strokes. And Alex Knox spent the day just trying to go from his apaprtment to the office and back.

He's now in the Bar, working on his next column. He wants to be sympathetic to the workers - he's been in the Newspaper Guild since he was 17 - but it's hard after the brutal commute to find any kinds words. In the end, he figures he'll probably just blame the whole thing on the State Transit Board and write about how sad the subways have become.

So he makes notes and thinks, and nurses a very welcome beer.

[ooc: mun now going to run errands - slowtime por favor?]

alexander knox, hektor, alexis castle, rapunzel, divis mal

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