(no subject)

Aug 17, 2007 09:59

Yesterday's eyepatch headache put Wells in almost as bad of a mood as the days just before full moon do, which was all right for making lesson time more formidable for the girls, but did not endear him in the slightest to his wife. Some fairly awful threats got issued, which resulted in the use of the microwave and a somewhat insomniac night on the couch. One would think after a night of that sort that Wells would be completely intolerable, but one would be wrong. He wound up digging through some old boxes that Spoon moved out of the attic when he was making the space habitable, and he's got the fruits of that labour with him now- a rather colourful game board, some dice, and a fistful of playing pieces.

"Oi!" he calls out when he comes in. "Anybody here but me ever played Uckers?"

ace (pyro), spoon, sergeant wells

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