Zuko likes cars. It's one of the awesome things that Wells' world has that Zuko's doesn't.
The yellow he could do with out, but the car -- pretty. He is sitting at his table looking at the mini-car and seeming rather curious, all things considered.
Zuko straightens now and is -- actually taller then Bumblebee. That's AWESOME. Optimus was pretty tall. "Uhm, It's Milliways. It sort of -- brings you in in strange ways. You probably drove through an arch or something."
The yellow he could do with out, but the car -- pretty. He is sitting at his table looking at the mini-car and seeming rather curious, all things considered.
Unfortunately, it seems to have forgotten the fact that, being a car, it can't really open the door to get back out.
Zuko gets up to inspect this. It's a one-fifth size Camaro! Look at it! It's driving on it's own!
"Uhm. The door is shut, and you have no hands."
Even if the door is there for the car at all.
Well, it seems like it's been discovered for sure, now.
"...Ah, crap," it says in a voice which sounds like it's coming through a broken sound system, crackled and slightly distorted.
He crouches down. "Are-- you okay?"
"Where am I?"
Then, there's a rather odd sound as parts of the car start rearranging, and it finally settles into a new form.
...It would probably be more impressive if he weren't just barely over five feet tall in his miniaturized form.
He looks down at himself. "Damnit. As if I weren't short enough already...."
He looks back over at Zuko. "Name's Bumblebee. How'd I get here? I don't remember driving into any buildings..."
Some dude he knows.
Zuko straightens now and is -- actually taller then Bumblebee. That's AWESOME. Optimus was pretty tall. "Uhm, It's Milliways. It sort of -- brings you in in strange ways. You probably drove through an arch or something."
He looks a bit thoughtful at the second part.
"So...it's like a portal, then." Although even that's a long shot, since even the Cybertronians haven't developed technology like that.
Wait, what? "Portal?"
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