(no subject)

Jul 20, 2007 14:40

And here's a sight.

Well, really, everything could be considered a sight. This particular sight, however, happens to be a pilot. A Corellian one with a ramrod-straight spine. He looks like... like... well, like he's going through basic again. Which, when new squad recruiting is being conducted by Wedge Antilles, you might as well be. Emotionless face not included usually, but, well, that's Myn for you.

And so it is that Myn Donos returns to the bar, blinks, and sighs heavily, his shoulders sagging slightly.

"Perfect." His sarcasm could turn the Death Star to atoms. If, it hadn't, y'know, happened already. Twice.

lara notsil, ace (pyro), asakura yoh, myn donos

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