
Jul 12, 2007 01:01

Atton doesn't sleep in the bar, often. Sometimes he rests his eyes, and looks all quiet and curled up, but he rarely actually sleeps ( Read more... )

atton rand, love-in-idleness, sam linnfer, puck

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puckishly July 12 2007, 00:13:19 UTC
Heeeeeey, Puck dimly remembers Atton! He's a blast.

He certainly deserves to be showered with love and affection.

... Or, more accurately, to shower some other mystery soul with love and affection. Whatever, man. It's all the same. We're all part of the same love, you know? Like, universal love.

End-of-the-universal love.

The kind of love that involves Puck sprinkling love-in-idleness on Atton's eyes and promptly disappearing to the rafters.



necessary_child July 12 2007, 00:30:12 UTC
Sam has coffee. He's also, bizarrely, still half-asleep, and in PJs (well, black t-shirt and boxers), since the bar opened on his bedroom, this time.

...Okay, so caffeine probably shouldn't work on him, but half the effect's in the mind anyway, right?

Still, it's a few moments before he notices the sleeping Atton. It was the muttering that did it.

"...What is it with people I'm friends with and nightmares, anyway?"

Poking Atton, hopefully either awake or out of the nightmare.

It is possible he's going to regret this.


stuck_mynock July 12 2007, 00:34:02 UTC
Possible? Probable.

Atton awakes immediately, jolting up and flailing slightly and looking at Sam. Blinking. His lips open, slightly, in something approaching awe.

Because it's Sam. Wreathed in an aura of pure, glowing light and - Wait, wait a second. He's just backlit by the fire in the fireplace. But still! It counts.

"... Hi." Going a little pink, because did Sam hear him muttering? He must think Atton's a freak. And he's so, so scruffy and what if Sam wants him to be neat? There's a lot of straightening of clothes. "I ... Hi."


necessary_child July 12 2007, 00:42:51 UTC
...Certain, really.

Sam blinks, because wtf, Atton? That expression on his face, he's taking the mick, right?

"...Hey, Atton." Slightly suspiciously, as he dumps himself down beside him.



stuck_mynock July 12 2007, 00:46:04 UTC
He said his name!

Atton beams. And then remembers that that's not really his name, but still beams.
"Hi," Again. Before he blushes, trying to figure out what to say. If he gets a word wrong, Sam might think he's an idiot or something, and that ... that wouldn't be good. "You're ... you're looking really good, today. I mean, not that you don't always, but still."

That sounded stupid. So very, very stupid. Atton just wants the floor to swallow him, now.

"How're you?" Subject change!


necessary_child July 12 2007, 00:54:41 UTC
Idly, "Atton, stop taking the mick."

Eyebrow, over the mug of Sam's coffee cup, as he takes a loooong drink. He is so not awake enough to deal with this.

"Sleepy, mostly."


stuck_mynock July 12 2007, 00:58:07 UTC
Oh, how Atton wishes he was that coffee cup right now.

Anyway. "I ... Yeah. I'll stop. Taking the mick, that is," He looks and sounds bewildered. He's not taking the mick. "If you want me to."

"I've been sleepy, too." With a slight, manic cheerfulness. Because hey - It's another thing in common!


necessary_child July 12 2007, 01:02:20 UTC
The eyebrow is attaining truly dizzying heights, right now. More coffee. Lots more coffee is needed, here.

"...So I notice. Nightmare?"

What is it with this place sometimes? If it's not one thing it's another.


stuck_mynock July 12 2007, 01:06:14 UTC
Atton frowns, trying to recall his dream.

"Take this ring, as a symbol of my love, and how I will cherish and love you, for richer or poorer, through sickness and in health, till death do us part." Sam whispered.
"Raaaargh." Guppy beamed from nearby. "Raaaargh?"
"Yes," Atton nodded, "I do."

"No, I was having a very good dream," With a slightly glazed expression and a wide smile. "I was dreaming about you."


necessary_child July 12 2007, 01:09:31 UTC
"..." best sums up Sam's reaction at this juncture.

"...Atton, I said knock it off. 'm too sleepy to hit you."


stuck_mynock July 12 2007, 01:13:34 UTC
"I'd like it if you didn't hit me," Atton says sheepishly. "I mean, if I deserve it, then go ahead. I know you'd never really hurt me, though."


"Look, Sam," Slightly less spaced sounding, now. Almost normal. "I think ... I think I have something to tell you."


necessary_child July 12 2007, 01:15:54 UTC

....Ewwww, seriously.

"Atton, seriously, stop it. You just entered a whole new level of wrong, even by your standards."


stuck_mynock July 12 2007, 01:19:10 UTC
"Sam, hear me out, please?" He sounds desperate. There's even a tinge of hysteria in his tone. He doesn't want Sam to turn him away, because that would be terrible. There's nobody else for him. "I fell in love with you. On our first meeting."

You know, the one where they almost instantly despised each other and Sam made him sneeze repeatedly? That's the one.

"I know I'm not good enough for you, but we're ... we're destined to be together. I mean, can't y'see that? We've both survived a lot, and we're both sarcastic, and we're both sleepy right now! That's gotta count for something, right? And we're scruffy."


necessary_child July 12 2007, 01:24:25 UTC
He eyes Atton for a few moments.

...Oh, fuck, he's not joking. Sam is entirely too sleepy to deal with this right now.

Eventually, "Fucking Milliways. What was it this time, apples again? Chocolate? Or is it... please don't tell me it's in the coffee or the alcohol, that's just unfair."

And is making Sam eye his mug with decided mistrust.


stuck_mynock July 12 2007, 01:28:01 UTC
Atton's been living vicariously through that mug. He's quite unhappy about the mistrust it's recieving.

"I haven't had anything to mess with my brain, Sam. I've always felt like this. Ever since we were kids," Pause. "You feel the same, right? I mean, we're soulmates."


necessary_child July 12 2007, 01:32:29 UTC
"Atton, I can't speak for you, but I haven't been a kid in four thousand years. Also, you have a boyfriend, remember? A boyfriend who isn't me."


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