(no subject)

Jul 11, 2007 19:36

It's been a long damned day at the Academy. Small group tactics in the morning, one-on-one and many-on-one unarmed combat in the afternoon- oh, the girls aren't likely to be able to kill anything supernatural if they're weaponless, but let's be honest here. If they don't learn to beat the shit out of the enemy long enough to get up and find a damn weapon, they're in for a whole new world of pain. So- full-speed unarmed hand-to-hand, only the barest minimum of pulled punches.

He's going to sit in the vicinity of the Bar proper and let those two ribs on the bottom finish healing. Also he's going to ignore the horrible itch that only happens when a tooth is regrowing. Damn things take days.

andrew wells, sergeant wells

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