...maybe he's used to it, but that doesn't make him feel any better.

Jul 11, 2007 10:45

It's a hell of a thing to have someone try to kill you.

You're standing there, you're talking, and some nutjob pulls a bow and arrow--a bow and arrow--and tries to pull a bad impression of William Tell. He was still grinning as he turned to Wylie... but that doesn't mean it isn't hitting him where it hurts ( Read more... )

mitchell hundred, simon skinner, ray stantz, optimus prime, jc denton

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gone_byebye July 11 2007, 15:33:52 UTC
Ray's been busy outside for a while now; he's just coming in from saber practice. For him, this means emptying all his pockets of everything non-essential, so for once the only tech he's carrying is the lightsaber- which is, of course, powered off- and the training drone, which is in passive powered-down sleep mode. "Bar," he says when he gets in, "could I get something in the way of yerba mate for gringos, please?"

If tea smelled like freshly-cut grass, that's what the stuff in his cup would be.



thegreatmachine July 11 2007, 15:35:45 UTC
He gets a wave from Mitchell. A distracted one.


gone_byebye July 11 2007, 15:37:26 UTC
Ray looks up and waves. "Hey," he says. "How's it going?"

Normally we'd leave it there and attribute the coming scene to Ray's general lack of cluefulness about body kinesics, but he does have the sense to look at people's drink selections once in a while.

"... oh, boy. Long day at work?"


thegreatmachine July 11 2007, 15:45:22 UTC
"Assassination attempt."

...normally, he's much more chatty. It's a habit of the Office, always feeling the need to explain if he can as he'd always worked to keep a very transparent Gracie Mansion, so to speak. But right now, he's on word rations. And it's not from the booze.


gone_byebye July 11 2007, 15:49:01 UTC
This? Is Ray's ouch face.

"Oh, man. I'm sorry. I- okay, I'll just... I'll leave you to your drink."

If it's that recent, he's probably not going to want to talk about it. Not yet, and maybe not for a long time.

Ray's a little more familiar with the prospect than he would like.


thegreatmachine July 11 2007, 15:49:49 UTC
"Fucking bow and arrow," he grumbles.


gone_byebye July 11 2007, 15:50:25 UTC
"... well, that's one way around the ballistics question."


thegreatmachine July 11 2007, 15:57:23 UTC
He looks sideways at Ray.

"Have I ever actually explained why all your electronics shut off when I'm around, Mister Stantz?"



gone_byebye July 11 2007, 16:00:53 UTC
"I don't believe you have, no," says Ray, who would ordinarily correct most people to 'Doctor' instead of 'Mister', but who is not about to be a jerk to a guy who just had his life put in danger. "I assumed you were one of those unfortunates whose nervous systems put off an interference field- the ones who can shut off lamp posts by walking past them."


thegreatmachine July 11 2007, 16:04:32 UTC
He sips at the booze again.

"They're all pretty advanced," he says, "so most of them? Are snooty as hell. And it's annoying. So I tell them to go to sleep to save my head."


"Sorry about the secrecy," he says with a shrug. "It's just... the idea I can talk about this stuff is still a little weird to me. And I did sign confidentiality agreements back home. I just--"

He shakes his head and nurses the drink between his hands. One sort of starts gesturing.

"Hence the bow and arrow."


gone_byebye July 11 2007, 16:08:21 UTC
"Oh," says Ray. "A variant form of cyberpathy. Okay. Not a problem. I'll empty my pockets before I come near you again, then- I carry too much stuff anyway. My apologies."

Ray sort of takes all the wrong things in stride.


thegreatmachine July 11 2007, 16:23:02 UTC
He shakes his head.

"It's all right. Don't worry about it. I'm just--"

He doesn't even know. Shot at. With bow and arrow. There's a lot of things he can do the water off the back thing. He's having trouble with this one.


gone_byebye July 11 2007, 16:38:48 UTC
"Believe it or not, I know," Ray says quietly. "Which is why I'm not gonna say anything else, unless you feel like talking."


thegreatmachine July 11 2007, 16:42:14 UTC
He shrugs.

"What am I going to say? I took the job knowing, well, hell, no one knows how much work it is till you're in place, you know? But I did this to myself. And I love it. Just some days..."


gone_byebye July 11 2007, 16:44:35 UTC
"Some days the part of New York that scares the rest of the country spitless comes out, and you never see it coming," says Ray. "And then you wonder what the heck you were thinking, and what's supposed to happen now."


thegreatmachine July 11 2007, 16:53:28 UTC
"There are whackjobs the likes of which the rest of the world has never seen," he agrees with a grin and a sip. "I like to think my city can boast the best of everything. Unfortunately, that's included."


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