
Jul 08, 2007 18:10

As much fun as Shalla's new Mickey Mouse-shaped datapad is, it's still full of boring reports. And so Shalla does what many of her fellow pilots do when faced with said boring reports. She falls asleep!

At least there's no Thyne to worry about.

ton phanan, shalla nelprin, inyri forge, love-in-idleness, puck, wes janson

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dr_sarcasm July 8 2007, 23:18:25 UTC
Someone call a doctor? Wait, what do you mean, NO?

Well, he's here anyway.

Ton Phanan strolls down the stairs and begins to head towards the bar, when he spies--a target! Sleeping fellow Wraiths are ideal for target practice, right? But what to throw?

He searches his pockets and comes up with a bantha keychain. He grins evilly. Perfect.

He takes aim... and lets fly.


fighter__pilot July 8 2007, 23:26:05 UTC
The keychain hits Shalla square in the forehead, and she bolts upright, glancing around for her attacker.

When she spots Ton, she glares, then chucks it back at him.

(She can throw pretty damn hard.)


dr_sarcasm July 8 2007, 23:28:51 UTC
Ton tries to duck, but he could no sooner duck the lasers she's glaring at him. The keychain hits him square in the ear.

"Ow! I didn't throw it half that hard!" Ton rubs his ear, standing back up and walking over. "Couldn't you have at least hit my good side?" He taps his prosthetic as he sits down across from her.


fighter__pilot July 8 2007, 23:32:03 UTC
Shalla doesn't stop glaring. "Yes, but you woke me up. So we're even. And it wouldn't have hurt if I hit you on that side. Might have made a nice noise, though."


dr_sarcasm July 8 2007, 23:36:13 UTC
"I'm dead. I deserve to be spared pain." He gives Shalla his most innocent expression. "Besides, I didn't know for sure you were sleeping. I had to test it without risking my afterlife."


fighter__pilot July 8 2007, 23:42:49 UTC
"You aren't dead here, so there will be no sparing of pain. Unless you buy me things."

Shalla grins wickedly. "Next time, you should try poking me. The result might be interesting."


dr_sarcasm July 8 2007, 23:46:28 UTC
"No, thanks. If I'm not poking Kell, I'm definitely not poking you. Who knows what new prosthetic I'd need?" He shakes his head. "If I buy you a drink, will you stop threatening me?"


fighter__pilot July 8 2007, 23:48:51 UTC
"I'm as harmless as an Ewok," she says, and by Ewok, she means Wookiee.

A Wookiee with fangs.

"I'll consider it."


dr_sarcasm July 8 2007, 23:57:27 UTC
"You'd have me believe that makes you all cute'n'cuddly, but I was at Endor. I'm more afraid of them than a whole squadron of Jedi," Ton half-grins. "Though the cute part still applies to you, at least."

Maybe he can assuage her through flattery!

And maybe the Emperor was a kindly old man.


fighter__pilot July 9 2007, 00:05:10 UTC
"Of course it does," she says, beaming.

"Now buy me a drink."


dr_sarcasm July 9 2007, 00:06:46 UTC
"What do I get out of the deal if I do?" Ton smirks back.


fighter__pilot July 9 2007, 00:10:16 UTC
"Me not hurting you?" she responds sweetly.


dr_sarcasm July 9 2007, 00:12:07 UTC
"But it's too late for that--the keychain already hurt!" Ton points out loftily.

Still, he subtly signals a waitrat--but doesn't order anything yet.


fighter__pilot July 9 2007, 00:14:54 UTC
Shalla continues to smile at Ton. Just smile.


dr_sarcasm July 9 2007, 00:17:25 UTC
Ton's smile begins to waver... and then he just sighs. "Alright, name your poison. I'm getting a lomin-ale. A big one."

Ton wants to win. Once. Just once. Is that so much to ask?


fighter__pilot July 9 2007, 00:23:53 UTC
"Whyren's, thanks."

Nobody beats Shalla. It's a rule of the universe.


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