There is a sign up on one of the tables near the doorway, and another near the stairs upstairs. Both say:
Now Hiring
Blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metal-workers, technicians, engineers for assistance on various projects in out-of-bar location. Excellent salary (based on experience), health benefits available (just ask), and bonuses
Read more... )
Signs always lead to interesting things, which is why Christine caught the rafters firmly with her feet and swung upside down to regard the sign.
It doesn't say anything she can read and she can barely differentiate paper from ink since she's looking in the thermal spectrum, but she's found investigating the sign is always the first step.
A voice, like the roar of a forge fire and the clang of hammers, the shifting of magma beneath the earth and the flicker of flames... all at once. Sensation as much as sound.
This is an intrigued pred. Witness the instant pivot, tension springing into view through her body for the first time as she pulls head and shoulders around, letting go with her feet and catching at a different angle before she drops far. She's found the speaker before he's done with the first word. It's not just the ability to triangulate, it's that he's the god of fire and she sees in thermal vision, and from this angle she can see him in the booth.
Oo. Bright. Shiny. It's like looking at a ship engine, all contained.
Christine's way of pulling up a chair? Snap the back off, and then crouch on it, weight on her toes. Stupid chair backs are always in the way.
Bar's reaction? Bill her for another chair.
He's checking.
"Now Hiring. Blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metal-workers, technicians, engineers for assistance on various projects in out-of-bar location. Excellent salary (based on experience), health benefits available (just ask), and bonuses included. Entry level positions available (will train).
Please contact Hephaestos at the booth in the corner."
He points to himself.
"Engineers of what?"
Because, well. You hunt until you can't, either from death or injury. The disabled Blooded become artisans or technicians, the disabled Unblooded servants. It's a rough society in many ways.
He nods.
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