
Jul 06, 2007 23:08

Dickon has, so far, remained cheerfully unaware of any love-in-idleness shenanigans aside from those he helped put right a few weeks ago.

Which is why, as he takes a seat at the bar and orders tea, he's not feeling terribly wary.

Fortunately, he's not feeling terribly sleepy, either.

ingress, love-in-idleness, dickon sowerby

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smallestopener July 7 2007, 04:26:39 UTC
Ingress' heart flutters all the way down to her tummy when she sees Dickon. It tickles!

She waves and skips over.



uncommongardenr July 7 2007, 04:31:29 UTC
Dickon grins cheerfully as she approaches.

"Hello there, Miss Ingress."


smallestopener July 7 2007, 04:32:43 UTC
"You don't have to call me 'Miss', silly. Just Ingress. Dickon, how do you spell your name? I wasn't sure."

She pulls a crayon and folded up paper out of her pocket.


uncommongardenr July 7 2007, 04:39:40 UTC
"'Tis polite. But just Ingress, if tha likes," Dickon says, with an easy shrug.

"My name?" He seems curious as to what she wants that for, but spells it out obediently. "D-I-C-K-O-N."


smallestopener July 7 2007, 04:43:40 UTC
"Okay." She writes it down carefully and slips the paper back into her pocket. "Do you like milkshakes?"

She's worried he might have never had one. If so, she must rectify this sad state of affairs!


uncommongardenr July 7 2007, 04:46:14 UTC
Dickon nods. "Aye, I've 'ad one in 'ere a time or two. We've nowt like them at 'ome."


smallestopener July 7 2007, 04:49:31 UTC
"They're my favorite things to drink here. I like sundaes, too."

If it wasn't for all the butterflies in her tummy, this would be a normal conversation!


uncommongardenr July 7 2007, 04:50:58 UTC
Dickon cocks his head to one side a bit.

"Don' think I've ever 'ad one o' those. What's it called a Sunday for?"


smallestopener July 7 2007, 04:59:05 UTC
She thinks a moment. "I don't know. Maybe because you can eat them on Sunday? Would you like to try one?"


uncommongardenr July 7 2007, 05:03:14 UTC
"'Tisn't Sunday," Dickon points out teasingly. "But if tha thinks the bar'll give us some anyhow, sure."


smallestopener July 7 2007, 05:14:48 UTC
She blushes pink.

"I think she will."

She walks over to Bar and asks, "Bar, can we please have sundaes? With extra whipped cream and cherries on top?"

If she was a little older, she'd have only asked for one sundae and two spoons. As it is, Bar provides two dishes, one for each of them.


uncommongardenr July 7 2007, 05:18:43 UTC
--Blushing, huh.

A thoughtful look crosses Dickon's face for a moment--and then he's distracted by ice cream, as any self-respecting kid from a poor country family in 1905 might understandably be.

"Eh! That does look like a treat fit t' 'ave on Sunday."


smallestopener July 7 2007, 05:28:54 UTC
"It's yummy. You can have other flavors, too, but I always have chocolate with chocolate syrup."

She is not blushing anymore. She's back to huge grin mode.

She has ice cream to eat and Dickon to talk to. Happy day!


uncommongardenr July 7 2007, 05:31:16 UTC
"That's a good deal o' chocolate," Dickon points out amiably, and takes a bit of his.


smallestopener July 7 2007, 05:32:15 UTC
"Door says you can't have too much chocolate. She's my big sister. She and Tom take care of me."


uncommongardenr July 7 2007, 05:43:23 UTC
"We don't 'ave sweets like chocolate often," Dickon says. "But I expect that even if we did, Mother'd only let us 'ave 'em after meals and the like. Be worried they'd ruin our appetites, else."


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