(no subject)

Jun 24, 2007 12:00

Ignore the icon: most of J.C.'s cothes, sunglasses included, are in a neat pile on a rock by the lakeshore. Except for his coat, which is in Raspberry's keeping for now. He has on a pair of swim trunks and a belt with his combat knife strapped to it, so he won't be entirely unarmed.

J.C.'s never swum in a lake like this before, and he finds that he rather enjoys it. In a big space like this, he can make full use of his training and his water-breathing lungs. Those latter are why he tends to stay underwater for scary, normally unsurvivable lengths of time. When he comes up to the surface, sunlight glints off the silvery filaments in his skin and the segmented metal overlaying his spinal column, making him look at times like a large jumping fish.

After about an hour in the lake, he returns to the shore and spreads out one of the towels he brought with him and sits on it, waiting for the sun to dry him out a little before he cracks open the boxed lunch he got from the Bar. For the first time in a while, he feels reasonably content.
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