
Jun 21, 2007 13:23

Raz is at the bar, with her usual glass of water and come-talk-to-me-if-you're-a-hot-man look. The difference today is that she's also in an incredibly good mood, courtesy her new job with the Delicate Flowers. Come flirt with her! It's highly probable that if you're cute enough she won't ask you for money should said flirting bear... ahah... fruit ( Read more... )

raspberry, clark kent, puck, simon skinner, jc denton

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Comments 101

puckishly June 21 2007, 17:31:36 UTC
Puck, as has been noted before, does not have much of an acquaintance with jello.

Clearly this is his negligence, and ought to change.

Therefore: One Puck on the bar, legs swinging idly.

"My, my."


berryberryraz June 21 2007, 18:19:22 UTC
"My, my," returns Raz, about a thousand times more lewdly. "What's up, cutie?"


puckishly June 21 2007, 18:24:27 UTC
He grins.

"Nothing at all," he says, "save that I never have seen anyone quite like you, mistress."

She smells yummy too!


berryberryraz June 21 2007, 18:30:19 UTC
"Nobody has, trust me." Like wild raspberries. Delicious! "I'm Raspberry." As though that's hard to figure out. "You?"


slasherofprices June 21 2007, 17:39:02 UTC
Skinner is hot!* And Raspberry...is made of goo! Poor Skinner is yet again conflicted: he's not sure whether he should hit on her (because she is very attractive for goo), or stare at her (she's made of goo). Last night has taught him that staring at people is bad, so he...stares at her a bit more, then looks ahead, approaches the area of the bar that is next to her, then turns to her and acts surprised to see another person there, particularly an attractive goo woman, and says, brightly, "Good afternoon!"

He's a slick one, our Skinner is. He totally wasn't approaching the bar to see if he could tap that.

* The mun thinking his PB actually is hot has no bearing on Raspberry's personal tastes.


berryberryraz June 21 2007, 18:21:31 UTC
Raspberry's personal tastes do not, generally speaking, run to mustaches or large knobbly chins. But hey, she's getting hit on. She'll run with it for a bit.

"Afternoon. What's up?"


slasherofprices June 21 2007, 18:26:42 UTC
That's just too bad! Skinner will have to change her mind in that regard, won't he? (Unfortunately, Skinner's methods of mind control tend to ensure that the brain is never used again.)

That aside, Skinner has a brief moment of hesitation, because he's up there in age and thus can't talk hip like the kids do these days. He tries, but his work staff usually stares blankly back at him. His work staff tends to stare back blankly at him no matter what he says, though. Maybe that's just a new form of expression among the kiddies.

"Er--not much," he tries. "What's...up...with you?"


berryberryraz June 21 2007, 18:35:17 UTC
Raz isn't laughing at you. Really she's not! She just- er- has something caught in her throat. Never mind you can see right through her throat and thus know perfectly well there's nothing in there. MAYBE IT'S INVISIBLE. Aheh.

"New job," she says cheerfully around her (nonexistent!) smirk.


hero_farmboy June 21 2007, 18:26:41 UTC
Clark's met a glowing girl today, so why not a goo girl, too? It's good to expand his horizons.

When he inevitably gets caught staring, he'll give her a sheepish smile and a polite, "Hi."


berryberryraz June 21 2007, 18:32:07 UTC
She returns his sheepish smile with one of her own. But substitute 'lascivious' for 'sheepish'.

"Hey babe," says the goo girl delightedly. "What's up?" Raz? Mind being stared at? Not today, my friend.


hero_farmboy June 21 2007, 18:44:03 UTC
It's impolite to stare. Clark knows this but he can't for the life of him figure out what she is.

And did she just call him 'babe'?

"Uh, nothing really. Just coffee," he answers flashing another quick, uncertain smile and nodding down at his mug. "You?"


berryberryraz June 21 2007, 18:52:47 UTC
Yes. Yes she did. And she'll do it again.

"Oh, I just got a new job, is all." There's that smile again.


berryberryraz June 21 2007, 22:15:21 UTC
And because the mun is so very narcissistic...

Raz just woke up. She's been wandering around naked for some time now. Somebody please change this before she gets in trouble with Security for it.


synapse_circuit June 21 2007, 22:22:42 UTC
J.C.'s been outside for most of today. When he comes in for supper, one of the first things he notices is Raz, wandering around in a daze. She's not the only one doing that, it seems, but she is the only one who's naked. Since she is the closest thing he has to a friend around here, he's naturally concerned.

He goes over to her and, since she's facing away from him, he taps her shoulder to get her attention. "Raz? You're going to get yourself in trouble."


berryberryraz June 21 2007, 22:24:20 UTC
"Huhwhat?" HEY LOOK HOT GUY! "Hey babe! How d'you know my name? Is that my name? Trouble for what?"


synapse_circuit June 21 2007, 22:34:18 UTC
Raz is giving him that look she gave shortly after they first met. This worries J.C. almost as much as the fact that Raz doesn't seem to know who the hell he is. "We've met," he says, "trust me. And you're going to get in trouble for not having any clothes." Since he suspects that Raz is going to ask more questions rather than see to the nudity issue, he removes his trenchcoat and puts it around her shoulders. Yes, it's going to get fruity sticky stuff on it, but he's more worried about Raz than the state of the coat.


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