
Jun 13, 2007 19:24

Eden is in Texas. Eden has been watching Isaac trying to paint a pretty, prophetic picture relating to a cheerleader. Eden has been watching him fail ( Read more... )

raspberry, eden mccain, lyrae addam

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berryberryraz June 14 2007, 00:34:44 UTC
Perhaps Raspberry is of sufficient interest to attract Eden's attention.

More particularly, perhaps Raspberry sunning herself on a rock with, of all things, a slushy will be of sufficient interest. No wait, make that... three slushies? Peculiar.


carefulwishes June 14 2007, 00:39:57 UTC
Why she is indeed! Eden grins at the sight of the familiar face and walks over. She takes her time - the better to decide how much to tell Raz, my dear.

"Watching our figure, I see," Eden notes.


berryberryraz June 14 2007, 00:43:53 UTC
"Huh? Oh, hey babe!" says Raz cheerfully, swinging her legs down and scooting to get a more vertical seat on her boulder, which is luckily craggy and complicated enough to support such action. "How's it hangin'? Want a slushie?"


carefulwishes June 14 2007, 00:48:35 UTC
That is one Conveniently Craggy Boulder. Eden eyes it for a moment, then finds a spot big enough for her to sit on (which doesn't need to be that big, considering).

"My boss has some big plans in the works for the store," she comments. "Major advertising campaign. We're doing a lot of reorganizing right now. It's pretty stressful.

"So I need something to keep my blood sugar up." And she takes a slushie, then peers at it suspiciously. "It's not related to you, is it?"


berryberryraz June 14 2007, 00:51:40 UTC
Raz cracks up. "No, babe, trust me. You'd know. Besides, that's grape. Grape are all drunken whores, you wouldn't catch her dead posing as a non-alcoholic beverage." She takes a sip of her own slushie, which is a bright, cheerful green. The third one (deep red) contrives to look mournful and alone, a difficult task for an inanimate object.


carefulwishes June 14 2007, 01:08:55 UTC
"Of course grapes are drunken whores." Eden is Going With The Flow.

"What about the other flavours? Or 'flavas', as the youngsters say. What're they like?"


berryberryraz June 14 2007, 01:20:03 UTC
"Lime's a bitch. And really intense. Stay the fuck away from lime. Strawberry-banana's a chick with a dick, for fuck's sake don't ask me how that works, I don't want to know. Black Cherry's that psycho who eats people I was telling you about, but just plain cherry usually ain't too bad. A bit giggly for my taste. Oh, and CeeCee." Raspberry grins nostalgically. "Cheesecake's a fat fuckin' slob, but she's my--" Girlfriend. Best friend. Other half. Almost-sister. Fridgemate? "--we were made together. I miss her."


carefulwishes June 14 2007, 02:01:48 UTC
"You'll get back there someday," Eden says commiseratingly, after a sip of her slushie.

"I totally didn't know they made cheesecake Jell-O."


berryberryraz June 14 2007, 02:05:59 UTC
Raspberry shrugs. "I didn't either, but there ya go." Totally avoiding any mention of getting back home plzkthx, as she's not really sure she ever will.


carefulwishes June 14 2007, 02:08:42 UTC
"Y'know, I like cheesecake, and I like chocolate, but put those two things together and they make me nauseous."

This is the Most Useless Fact About Eden Ever. But there's no mention of getting home or not.


berryberryraz June 14 2007, 02:11:31 UTC
Raspberry shrugs. "I don't know shit about actual flavours of things that ain't booze, to be honest. Not sure if I've ever tasted chocolate."


carefulwishes June 14 2007, 02:16:50 UTC
"You're shitting me."


berryberryraz June 14 2007, 02:18:31 UTC
"Well, think about it, babe. I am a flavour." Raspberry grins. "And besides, most shit with chocolate in it's solid, and me and solids don't mix too good."


carefulwishes June 14 2007, 02:20:23 UTC
Eden tilts her head to the side, peering at Raz.

"...If you're a flavour, can you taste yourself?"


berryberryraz June 14 2007, 02:21:55 UTC

Raz attempts to wrap her head around this concept. Twice.

After the second failure: "...don't think so."


carefulwishes June 14 2007, 02:23:32 UTC
"Well. Now I know the answer to that question. I would've been up all night otherwise. You may think I'm being deadpan for comedic effect, but I am utterly serious."


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