Jun 04, 2007 17:16
When the door opens to the bar, Sara is a little surprised.
It's been a couple of months.
She finds a seat in a booth and orders decaffeinated coffee from one of the waitrats.
[ooc: This is Sara's last post in the bar before her retirement. Come one, come all. Slowtimes accepted.]
sara sidle,
captain kirk,
guppy sandhu
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With a baby in his arms.
He smiles at her, eyes glinting.
She grins and gives him a one-armed hug. "Congratulations seem to be in order."
The other arm is busy making finger puppets for the baby.
Faramir nods to Sara. "And to you. I am sorry I had to miss your wedding." He shifts the baby in his arms a little. "This is Elboron, whose mother is Eowyn of Rohan, and he shall be the second Prince of Ithilien." Faramir beams down into the infant's bright, intelligent face.
"He's absolutely beautiful--and no apologies are necessary. The door hasn't been letting me in here for a while either." She continues wagging her fingers for Elboron. "Mark and I are expecting our first." Sure, she's still a little freaked. But much of her apprehension is being replaced by joy, and that is clearly audible.
"Thank you. I don't know what kind of parent I will be...but I know what not to do at least. And Mark is a honorable, kind, and loving man. He'll be a wonderful father."
Besides, the first sign of good parenting is not having pyromaniacal tendencies or a habit of talking to stones, especially ones that talk back.
"I hope so." She tickles Elboron under his chin. "Your son's lucky to have you."
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