( OOM: Skulduggery Pleasant, Detective extraordinaire, gets a
surprise visit from a troll while out walking, but gets a little more than he bargained for with a not-so-mysterious door. )
The front door is swung open forcefully and in barrels a rather frantic figure, who is immediately up on his feet again and poised for a fight.
What he spots,
Read more... )
He's staring, a little. Promise, it's not him trying to be rude, the poor guy is just confused.
This looks like one of the skeletons from his anatomy class back in college come to life.
More staring.
"Uhm.. hello there," he finally says, somehow without the need of vocal chords or a tongue, and possibly staring over at Doc, but without eyes, who knows where he's looking?
"Sorry. I..."
He scratches the back of his neck with his hand.
"...I thought I'd seen it all but I guess I was wrong."
"You and me both."
But what he does lack in expressions, he more than makes up for in the amused tone of his voice, laced with an Irish brogue, and said with such lightness that it might appear he's seen stranger things in his time.
A magic bar.
"First drink's free..."
A glance at the obvious lack of skin to hold said drink. Er.
"...if you're interested...?"
"Bar at the end of the Universe, you say? Does it tend to appear entirely randomly for all folk?"
"Can you see the door you've come through?"
Seeing it is the first step. Getting it to open, the second.
"Yes. Yes I can. I suspect that's a moderately good thing?"
Or when Bar decides she's done with you.
"And that is definitely a good thing."
Doc continues to explain. "There are three rules. No screwin' in the bar, no fightin' in the bar..."
A moment's thought. "...no business in the bar. That's the third."
"Well, no matter, I can't see myself breaking any of those rules unless the situation requires it. And until I learn to predict the future, we just won't know."
A point at the Window.
"And that's real. Scares the hell out of me sometimes when I catch myself lookin'. But we're alright in here, and time freezes outside of the Bar."
"Woah, now I didn't see that before. So that's what you mean by the End of the Universe.." If it wasn't obvious enough, Mister Pleasant is suitably amazed by the Window.
A beat.
"...Bar's got a mind of her own, sometimes."
Yes, the Bar is a thing. With thoughts and feelings and a good dose of wit from time to time.
"Sounds like someones been having a bit too much fun with magic," he says with experience in the matter, though generally he just sees more sinister things like paper men filled with gas that go on killing rampages.
"The name's Doc," he adds. "Welcome to Milliways."
"Pleasure to meet you, Doc. The name's Skulduggery Pleasant."
Hooray, he knows the name for the bar now too!
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