Pilot post!

May 06, 2007 14:11

Corran's in a corner booth, sipping at his Whyren's.
He hasn't been here in a while. Life is finally seeming to calm at home, so his arrival here isn't a big disruption. He looks around, hoping vaguely to see a familiar face, check in and see what's new.

On the other hand, there's a dead doc in the corner who doesn't look entirely amused. In fact, Ton Phanan is outright bored. He's laying with his back on a chair, head hangoing off one side, feet off the other, trying to see just how fast the blood can run to his head. Passing out might actually make life here exciting for a day or two for the socially-challenged cyborgian doctor thing.

Then there's a stupefied Myn Donos by the fire. Back ramrod straight, face completely expressionless, he still hasn't left since the horrors of a few days ago. He's just staring deep into the fire, wondering...

Well, since we've mentioned fire, there's probably been some notice that slight flares are erupting from yet ANOTHER table in the bar. It's probably a serious lack of surprise that Kell Tainer appears to be responsible for them, a hand-held spot-welder at work on an odd conglomeration of parts. Even he might not know what he's working on.

[OOC: Mun is atoning for periods of great absences! Come hither, and get yer owed/wanted threads! Or sit back, and he'll probably come to you.]

ton phanan, kell tainer, james bond, inyri forge, corran horn, myn donos

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