For the first time since spring has started, Iris enters the bar. Smiling at random patrons and humming to herself, she moves to the bar where she orders a Rainbow Brew
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Mary Lennox is at a table; she's just come away from the bar with a small pile of books in her arms.
(She asked for a.) another book on King Arthur, b.) a book on Robin Hood, and c.) something about ethics for a Heartless of her acquaintance. This last request was answered with three dense texts on relative moralities, which she's eyeing rather dubiously.)
Comments 54
(She asked for a.) another book on King Arthur, b.) a book on Robin Hood, and c.) something about ethics for a Heartless of her acquaintance. This last request was answered with three dense texts on relative moralities, which she's eyeing rather dubiously.)
"Hello, Mary," she says, taking a sip from her drink. "Have you decided to start a bookstore or a library since I've last seen you?"
She frowns down at the books. "Though some of them are not for me."
"I didn't realize there was so much to know about ethics."
After a small while, the woman attached to them brings his attention in focus and a soft word escapes his lips.
"Hi. Ah... "
A few moments of internal flailing happen, then he remembers this part of conversation.
"Ah, nice evening?"
She then holds out a hand toward him. "I don't believe we've meet. I'm Iris."
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